Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is called acute viral natural focal disease, which is characterized by several symptoms:

The disease is also called the Far Eastern hemorrhagic fever, Manchurian hemorrhagic fever, Scandinavian epidemic nephropathy, hemorrhagic nephro-nephritis and so on. Synonyms of the disease was due to the fact that the first comprehensive studies that allowed to establish its viral nature were conducted in the Far East of Russia in the distant 1938-1940.

Causes of the disease

In Europe, the pathogens and vectors of the disease are the red vole, the field mouse, the red-gray vole and the house rats. The virus of hemorrhagic fever is transmitted from rodents to people through the respiratory tract, that is, by air-dust method. The second way of transmission of the virus is contact with the carrier or objects of the external environment, for example: straw, hay, brushwood and the like.

There is also a risk of contracting hemorrhagic fever when eating foods that have not been heat treated, as well as those that have been contaminated with carriers.

Important is the fact that the virus can not be transmitted from person to person, therefore, when contacting the patient, it is not necessary to use a gauze dressing and other protective equipment, being afraid of negative consequences in the form of hemorrhagic fever.

The main symptoms of hemorrhagic fever

The incubation period lasts on average 21-25 days, in some cases it can vary from 7 to 46 days. A few days before the onset of the first symptoms of the appearance of renal hemorrhagic fever, the patient may experience malaise, weakness and other prodromal phenomena. The first three days of manifestation of hemorrhagic fever in the patient there is a high temperature (38-40 ° C), which can also be accompanied by chills (in some cases), headache, weakness and dry mouth . In the initial period, the patient overtakes the "hood" syndrome - hyperemia of the skin of the face, neck and upper chest. It is because of the defeat of these skin areas that the symptom has received such a name.

In the febrile period, which occurs after the initial, the temperature of the infected does not decrease, while the condition worsens. Most often, from the second to the eleventh day of the patient's illness, pains in the lower back are disturbed. If they do not come after the fifth day of the course of the illness, then the doctor has every reason to doubt the diagnosis. Many after the appearance of pain, frequent vomiting occurs, which is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Emetic urges do not depend on the food taken or other factors, so it is impossible to stop it yourself. Upon examination, the doctor can observe dry skin on the face and neck, conjunctiva and puffiness of the upper eyelid. All these symptoms finally confirm the presence of the disease.

Further, in some patients, severe symptoms of HFRS may develop:

Such complications are found in no more than 15% of those infected.

The most characteristic symptom of hemorrhagic fever is kidney damage, which is observed in all patients. This symptom is detected with the help of a puffiness of the face, a positive reaction to the testing of Pasternatsky's symptom and the pasty of the eyelids.

During the period of organ damage, the patient's temperature is normal, but azotemia develops. The patient is always thirsty, and vomiting does not stop. All this is accompanied by lethargy, headache and slowness.

From the 9th to the 13th day of the illness, vomiting stops, headaches also disappear, but weakness and dryness in the mouth persists. The patient ceases to be disturbed by pains in the lower back and abdomen, because of which the appetite returns. Gradually by 20-25 day the symptoms decrease, and the recovery period begins.