Stitching pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Many mothers encountered during pregnancy with such a phenomenon as stitching pains in the lower abdomen. Their appearance introduced them into a shock, and even panic state. Let's try to figure out what the stitching pains in the abdomen during pregnancy can indicate and what are the reasons for their appearance.

Because of what during pregnancy can be seen stabbing pain?

Immediately make a reservation that every future mother with the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen should, first of all, pay attention not to the nature of pain, but to its intensity. However, for the sake of confidence, it is necessary to consult with a doctor, and with the slightest questions about the state of health, contact a woman gynecologist who is watching the woman.

Almost always, with any pregnancy there are stitching pains in the area of ​​the uterus. In such cases, they have a small intensity, and are often replaced by drawing pain. The explanation for this is an increase in the tone of uterine myometrium, which can occur for various reasons. In such cases, to stop them, it is enough for a woman to take a horizontal position, lie down and calm down.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this type of pain during childbearing can also be observed in neighboring organs. In this case, the pregnant woman thinks that the pain sensations are localized directly in the reproductive organs, and falls into a panic state. Do not do this, because stress and anxiety can cause more harm to the child than this pain. An example of such phenomena may be a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs as a result of a decrease in intestinal motility. Therefore, if the stitching pain localizing in the lower abdomen is accompanied by such phenomena as constipation, flatulence, it is necessarily associated with a disruption in the functioning of the intestine.

It is also necessary to say that important for diagnosing the cause of pain sensations is the definition of their exact location. So, for example, if the stitching pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are mainly on the right, then, perhaps, this is a symptom of such a violation, as the inflammation of the appendix, known in the people as "appendicitis."

Often, pregnant women complain to doctors about the appearance of pain, pulling the character, which after filling the bladder go to the stitching. This kind of phenomenon can be a symptom of a disease such as cystitis, which is not uncommon in bearing a fetus.

Separately, it must be said that quite often the pain in the lower abdomen can be associated with the experiences of a woman with regard to the normal course of pregnancy. In such cases, pain can be given to the perineum, lower abdomen, buttocks and thigh.

In what cases during pregnancy can there be a sharp, stitching pain in the lower abdomen?

A sharp, sudden appearance of stabbing pain in bearing a fetus, most often indicates abnormalities, among which: uterine bleeding, spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy.

Uterine bleeding, as a rule, develops as a result of any trauma, or may be the result of previous gynecological surgery. Quite often it happens that even after the end of the recovery period, the postoperative scar on the uterus does not form. In this case, with the onset of pregnancy and an increase in the uterus in size, it is possible to develop bleeding.

The appearance of a piercing pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, can speak about the development of an ectopic pregnancy. This is observed when a fetal egg is implanted not in the tissue of the uterine cavity, but is attached directly to the wall of the fallopian tube or ovary. In such cases, as a rule, the girl is cleaned, i.e. pregnancy is interrupted.