Treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine without surgery

With the problem of herniated intervertebral discs in recent times have to face almost every second person. Predisposing factors to it there is a lot, starting with malnutrition, ending with a sedentary lifestyle. With the operative and non-surgical methods of treating the hernia of the cervical spine, the experts are familiar enough. Alternative ways to fight the disease, fortunately, there is enough. And each of them can boast of a decent set of benefits.

Is it possible to cure a hernia of the cervical spine without surgery?

Intervertebral hernias can appear in different parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. They are formed because of the strong tension. It becomes the cause of thinning and deformation of the fibrous ring, through which the intervertebral disc can "fall out".

The neck probably suffers most often. All due to the fact that the cervical spine is in constant tension, even when the body is not seriously stressed. To contribute to the development of the disease can age changes, poor ecology, insufficient physical exertion.

On whether it is possible to remove a herniated spine without surgery, many experts argue. And most of them still lean towards more loyal - conservative - methods of treatment. As practice shows, they effectively fight with hernias of varying degrees of complexity. But, of course, conservative treatment will be more useful if it is applied at an early stage.

How to get rid of a spinal hernia without surgery?

Assigning alternative treatment to a patient with hernia, doctors pursue two main goals. First, they must eliminate neurological syndrome and pain. Secondly, prevent progression and relapse of the disease.

To the pain sensations were eliminated as soon as possible, a strict bed rest is prescribed. It should continue for several days. At this time the patient will need to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs . As a rule, after removal of the inflammation, the patient's condition is normalized, and the treatment can be completed with relaxing massages and warm-up exercises.

Proper treatment of the hernia of the cervical spine without surgery will ensure a permanent supply of disks with all necessary nutrients. And this, in turn, will prevent the formation of new hernias and other problems with the vertebral column.

There are other ways to treat a spinal hernia without surgery, and that's how the most popular of them look:

  1. In addition to exercise therapy, various physiotherapeutic procedures (warming up, magnetotherapy , healing with mud, ozocerite, paraffin) proved to be quite good.
  2. You can remove the hernia with the help of methods of manual therapy and acupuncture.
  3. Non-surgical methods of intervertebral hernia repair also include some modern procedures. They are designed to remove the "dropped out" discs, but it passes bloodless and neat. So, for example, during hydroplastic surplus tissues are eliminated with the help of a special physiological solution, and with cold-plasma nucleoplasty - cold plasma.
  4. Helplessly remove hernia helps with laser therapy. Through a tiny point-puncture on the body, the beam penetrates directly to the problem area and resection of all unnecessary tissues.
  5. Adherents of traditional medicine assure that the hernia dissolves due to compresses from Kalanchoe. You need to put the last two weeks at least.