Hemochromatosis - symptoms

Hemochromatosis of the liver is a genetic disease that arises from the excess of iron in the body. When the exchange of iron is disturbed, its accumulation takes place, and this causes a number of characteristic symptoms.

Hemochromatosis arises from the mutation of genes, which causes the body to absorb too much iron, which is deposited in the liver, heart and pancreas and other organs. It appears, as a rule, in men in the 40-60 years, and in women at an older age.

Symptoms of hemahromatosis

In medicine, there are two types of hemochromatosis:

With hemochromatosis, the patient develops liver cirrhosis, and in some cases liver cancer.

When the pancreas is affected, diabetes can occur.

If the brain is affected, iron is deposited in the pituitary gland and causes disturbances in the endocrine system, which especially affects the sexual functions.

Heart damage disturbs the heart rhythm, and in 20-30% heart failure may manifest.

The general destructive effect of excess iron on the body leads to constant infectious diseases.

Diagnosis of hemochromatosis

With this problem you need to contact the gastroenterologist. For diagnostics appoint, in addition to a doctor's examination and clarification of symptoms, a biochemical and general blood test. Also an analysis is made for the sugar content.

If there are similar cases in the family history, then this too is an important indicator in the diagnosis. The fact is that before the external manifestations of hemochromatosis there is a lot of time since the iron values ​​go off scale.

Another important examination - ultrasound, which determine the condition of the liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes an MRI is required. The other types of examination do not provide specific data on the disease, and only help monitor the condition of other organs and systems. Therefore, in the rest, the examination depends on the symptoms and severity of the disease.