The witch explained why you can not complain about life and gave 10 important tips

The witch told me why you can not complain about life and how to achieve success and prosperity from the universe.

In the modern world, people who have occult power are treated not less often than to therapists or surgeons. They treat not the body, but the soul: restore the energy balance in the body, allow you to defeat the negative in life and succeed. But what becomes the root cause of the appearance of failures, health problems and in personal life? Experienced sorcerers who helped a lot of people know the answer: they are sure that everyone is to blame for their problems, because .... almost all of us are constantly complaining about life.

The Wondrous Council of the Witch

In the network, you can find many stories with a happy ending, where a magician or a witch heals a person's aura and guides him to the true path. The most popular of them is the story of the girl Dasha, whom the witch suggested how to deal with the misfortunes, offering a very unusual method. The woman asked the client when she thanked the Universe for the last time for something, and did not ask for another request. Dasha snorted, she said:

"The more a person complains, the more vital energy he leaves."

The witch suggested that she conduct an experiment - stop telling others about the problems and feel sorry for herself. The response of the enthusiastic Dasha about the visit to the presidency concludes with the story that in her life there was complete harmony. Is it possible to forget how to complain and change the world in the circle of oneself for the better? Definitely - yes, if you adhere to each of the 10 rules and rituals of practice of gratitude.

1. The ritual of energy exchange with the universe

At least once a month you need to pick up a sheet and a pen to find out what you can praise yourself for and thank the higher powers for your achievements. It is not difficult to do this: it's enough to compose and list 2-3 times the list of your achievements aloud. "I lost weight", "I helped the homeless animal", "I consoled my friend after the divorce" - all these are excellent reasons to be proud of yourself and to thank those forces who gave you life.

2. Acquisition of the talisman

It is always useful to have a thing with you, which will always remind you that thoughts should be positive. For example, a ring, a bracelet or a rosary, always lying in a purse or on an office desk. Faced with her gaze, you will remember that the time has come for sincere gratitude to your talents.

3. Classes of creativity

Whoever created humanity, he counted on the fact that each person will develop his talents. Do not give up your hobbies simply because you have grown. The human brain is so arranged that it simultaneously aspires at once to two regimes - rest and creative activity. When peace triumphs, dissatisfaction with life arises. The best way to change it is to make a step towards creativity. It can be considered the same basic need of the body as a dream or a meal.

4. Getting to know the roots

Each tree has its roots, without which it would have died. So man: he can not be happy if he does not know who his ancestors were. To build a beautiful future, you need to be confident in your past. At least sometimes talk with your relatives about those who were your ancestors. Try to find out all about them: who they were, what they achieved and what unites them with great-grandchildren? When a person understands what wonderful people have given him life, he feels more confident.

5. Activation of "growth zones"

A ritual that works at the junction of psychology and magic. "Zones of growth" are those vital spheres in which the stagnation has long come and no changes are planned. Sorcerers say that the only reason for this is that the open channels of the past pull the person back, not allowing him to breathe freely and achieve an ideal balance. To "close" them, you need to communicate with people who have anything to do with this area. For example, if a girl does not manage to marry in any way, she should honestly talk with her ex-boyfriends and ask them for forgiveness for all the wrongs done.

6. Dancing

Dance is a way of self-expression, which has advantages over creativity, because it opens a direct channel of communication with the cosmos. He develops the ability to resist fears and complexes. And since ancient times it is considered a magical practice for coming into contact with your inner "I".

7. "Cleansing" rows of friends

Energy vampires - not a myth, but a reality, only psychologists, unlike magicians, call them "toxic people". They suck out their vitality from their environment through complaints and constant whining. This "vampire" does not want to change - he wants to drag you into the same abyss of failure, which he hit himself.

8. Information detoxification

The human brain can not perceive information 24 hours a day. He needs rest, because he works even during sleep. At least once a month you need to arrange an information detox: for one day to refuse social networks, watching TV and long conversations on the phone. This is a great way to thank your nervous system for your stamina.

9. Charity

To give thanks is to "give good." When a person shares the acquired with the needy, he attracts luck, luck, new positive emotions into his life. To help, do not necessarily spend money: you can become a volunteer to care for animals or seriously ill children.

10. Openness

Gratitude should teach you to notice the chances that life itself gives. Every day it becomes more interesting: there are acquaintances with new people, prospects for mastering another profession. All this needs to be rejoiced - and then the Universe will necessarily answer the same.