Why dream of climbing the stairs?

In many dream books, a ladder is considered a symbol of well-being and luck. But to interpret the vision, based only on the meaning of one object, it is impossible. Therefore, in order to understand what one wants to climb up the stairs, one should carefully remember the plot of the vision and analyze it.

Why dream of climbing a high staircase?

As a rule, if in a vision a person easily and unconstrainedly overcomes steep steps and climbs to the very top in solitude , this means that in life a number of pleasant events will soon occur that will contribute to career and material growth.

If the climb is not easy, and there are various obstacles on the way, then we should expect an unpleasant situation, which, however, will be resolved in the best way. Wait for the gifts of fate after such a vision is not worth it, we must prepare ourselves to overcome obstacles, that's what dreams to climb up the stairs with difficulty. To hope only for luck is not to be.

Why dream of climbing up with a loved one?

If a person goes along a ladder with a friend or relative, then unexpected support can be expected in a complicated or ambiguous situation. But this is promised only by a vision in which one ascends the steps himself. In the event that you are forced to help your fellow traveler, a dream will mean that in this life a person will soon need support and advice.

If you dream that you go up the steps with the deceased? you need to go to the church or the cemetery and remember it. This vision often indicates that a person has forgotten about an important date related to this close, or does not care for the grave, than offends those who are already in another world.