Back pain between the scapulae

Symptom of many ailments can be pain in the back between the shoulder blades. And although with the appearance of such discomforting sensations they are more often associated with various disorders of the spine, this can also be caused by pathologies of some internal organs. The nature of the pain differs depending on the type of disease and the phase of its development. Consider what factors provoke the appearance of pain in this area of ​​the body.

Causes of pain between the shoulder blades

We will highlight the most common causes of pain in the interblade area.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

This pathology, in which there are violations in the joints connecting the vertebrae, with the development of inflammation and the involvement of nearby tissues, including nerve roots. With this pathology, patients complain of a prolonged aching pain in the back between the scapula, intensifying after physical exertion, sudden movements.

Herniated discs

This pathology is very dangerous and is characterized by the destruction of the sheath of the intervertebral disc located in the thoracic region and protrusion of its contents beyond the spinal column or into the spinal canal. Because of this, compression of the nerve roots or spinal cord may occur. The pain between the shoulder blades in this case is sharp, strong, forcing to take a forced position.

Spondylarthrosis of the thoracic spine

The defeat of the intervertebral joints, as a result of which the cartilage is destroyed and replaced with bone tissue. Pain in this case can also extend to the hands.

Intercostal neuralgia

Often the cause of acute pain between the shoulder blades, which is observed due to compression of the nerve roots, which can be due to:

In this case, too, there is often a pain in the chest, which becomes more intense when pressed.

Myositis of the muscles of the back

Inflammation of muscle tissue caused by hypothermia, trauma and other causes. It is expressed by aching pains in the area of ​​the lesion, which are strengthened by pressing, movement.

Stomach ulcer

With this pathology, the walls of the stomach are damaged, which causes pain in the abdomen and chest, often radiating to the back between the shoulder blades. Dull pain between the shoulder blades may appear immediately after eating or after a while, as well as after fasting. It is accompanied by nausea, heartburn , sometimes - vomiting.


This disease is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process in the lung tissue. If the posterior parts of the lung are affected, the pain sensations are concentrated in the region of the scapula. Other symptoms are also noted, such as:

Cardiac ischemia

The pathology resulting from a violation of the supply of blood to the myocardium. Most often, the pain is localized in the region of the heart, but and sometimes it can be masked and given back to the area between the shoulder blades, to the left arm. The attack of the disease occurs suddenly, it is usually stopped by nitroglycerin .

Pain management between the shoulder blades

Remove the pain between the shoulder blades associated with the defeat of the muscles, easily by yourself with the help of warming ointments. In other cases, after establishing the cause of the pain, more extensive treatment may be required, possibly in a hospital setting. To make an accurate diagnosis, sometimes a visit to specialists of a narrow profile is required.