Levomitsetinovy ​​alcohol from acne

Levomycetin alcohol contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic, to which many pathogens of infection are sensitive, in addition to acid-resistant bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa , protozoa and clostridia, which are resistant to this drug. Usually it is used to treat infected burns, wounds, bacterial otitis, as well as other pathologies associated with purulent processes. Also, it is not uncommon for levomycetin alcohol to recommend the use of dermatologists for acne and acne. It should be borne in mind that this remedy is sufficiently potent, therefore it is better not to use it alone without consulting a doctor, and when using levomycetin alcohol it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions.

How does levomycetinic alcohol work from acne?

As is known, one of the main roles in the formation of acne is the bacterial flora that lives on the skin, and under normal conditions does not cause any pathological symptoms. When clogging the sebaceous glands with skin fat and dead skin particles, which can be associated with various external and internal causes, favorable conditions for the development of these bacteria are created. As a result, inflammation occurs on the skin - there are purulent pimples.

Due to the fact that levomitsetinovy ​​alcohol suppresses the vital activity of most bacteria that cause the appearance of acne, with its application, the inflammatory process quickly stops. In addition, disinfecting and drying properties have ethyl alcohol, which is part of the drug, which allows you to quickly get rid of the elements of inflammation on the skin.

Instructions for the use of levomitsetinovogo alcohol from acne

Applying levomitsetinovy ​​alcohol in the fight against acne, especially for the face, should be extremely careful. This is due to the fact that improper, long-term and uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the development of local dysbiosis, a decrease in the protective functions of the skin, the development of resistance of the pathogenic flora to the drug, and also provokes photosensitivity. In addition, the long-term use of alcohol, which provokes simultaneous drying, skin flaking and excessive production of sebum, negatively affects the skin.

Therefore, the duration of treatment with levomycetin alcohol should be 3-6 weeks, after which you should take a break (at least two weeks) and, if necessary, repeat the course. In this case, the drug should be applied pointwise, only to the affected areas of the skin (for which it is convenient to use cotton buds), after which it is recommended to lubricate the treated areas with a moisturizing cream after a few minutes. As a rule, with this problem it is recommended to use a solution having a one-percent concentration.