Tibetan Spaniel

In Tibet, very considerate of all dogs. It is believed that after death, any of us can be reincarnated as a dog, and pets can become once human beings. Tibetan spaniels of Buddhists are in special esteem, they are even next to them during prayer, spiritually developing together with their masters. Long centuries of these intelligent animals used to turn the monks special prayer drum. In addition, they are still used as vigilant watchmen who from afar see the aliens from the temple wall, and warn monks about it with their sonorous barking.

As soon as the first Europeans saw these animals, they immediately decided to have them at home. There are many versions of when the first Tibetan spaniel came to the West. It is well known that a certain Mrs. McLaren brought such a dog to Britain at the end of the 19th century, made a detailed description of it and showed it at the exhibition in Kraft. During the First World, this breed was almost never disappeared in Europe, but it was preserved. And in 1934 the official standard was approved, which finally eliminated the confusion in the Tibetan breeds of dogs.

Description of breed of dogs Tibetan Spaniel

These creatures are very active, brisk, they listen all the time, trying to catch the slightest rustle in the house. They are small in size, about 25 cm, the average dog's weight does not exceed five kilograms. Ears at them are issued upwards, but freely do not hang out. They are covered with wool, neat and small in size. The muzzle of the Tibetans is slightly flattened, but there are no folds on it. If the mouth of the dog is closed, the teeth are not visible. The back of these creatures is smooth. The tail is covered with thick wool and planted high, usually in the form of a ring on the back. They have very thick and elegant hair. Dogs have a small mane, which the bitches do not have. Their wool is also thicker than that of the "ladies". Color is completely different - fawn, piebald, mottled, red, bicolour or black. It is noticed that males have a brighter coloring.

Character of the Tibetan Spaniel

Having a small compact size and nice appearance, these dogs are perfect for an apartment . They are smart and very inquisitive, mobile, have a good nose. But this roomy dog ​​has also watchful qualities, which manifest themselves in distrust of outsiders and vigilance. It is possible that you will have to tinker with a little training, which must be started at an early age. It's all about the independent nature of these pets. But patience and affection with the Tibetans can achieve success. On toddlers you need to work extremely tactfully, without threats and loud cries. That's when the tricks have already been learned, they will gladly show them to the owners or your friends.

Caring for a Tibetan Spaniel

To your pets were in good shape, they need regular loads in the form of jogging in the open air. They have a tendency to have problems with the musculoskeletal apparatus and the respiratory tract. Other common diseases in dogs of this breed are allergic dermatitis and hernia in the spine. When choosing a pet ready food, give preference to quality balanced products, then you will not need to select additional mineral or vitamin supplements.

These creatures have a luxurious coat that requires a small but regular care. It is necessary to comb it a couple of times a week, paying attention to those places where it is the longest. Often they do not recommend bathing, but periodically check their ears, eyes and claws are just necessary. This will help you with special antibacterial napkins and cotton swabs. To maintain cleanliness and for safety reasons, it is necessary to periodically inspect the pet's legs and cut the wool between the pads. She prevents walking, and babies can slip because of it. The good loving owners never have much trouble with them.