Eukanuba for cats - assortment overview

Eucanuba feed for cats belongs to the premium class and has a huge number of positive reviews of veterinarians about their consumer qualities. Produced in the US and the Netherlands, this brand is represented by mixtures, both for daily meals, and for veterinary (medical) feeding.

Eucanuba feed for cats

The feed is competently balanced, it uses ingredients that meet high quality, vitamin-mineral complexes, which the animal needs for proper nutrition. There are premium-class feeds that contain more meat, but many owners prefer Eucanubu, pets, after that they start drinking more water, which is very useful for a diet consisting of dry mixes. Eucanuba with lamb contains up to 91% of natural meat, is well absorbed by the body, it prevents kidney, stomach and intestinal diseases.

Dry food for cats Eukanuba

Solid fodders are especially popular, they have an affordable price, are easy to use, useful for teeth, like animals. The composition of this type of dry food includes natural ingredients, there are no offal, animals easily digest it. Dry food Eukanub, in comparison with low grades, is very nutritious, therefore it is consumed less, there is a line for daily feeding and for various conditions of the pet: for kittens, pregnant cats, individuals with any diseases.

Eucanuba wet fodder for cats

A wet kind of food is produced either in a tin can or in a sachet, has a different taste, can be made in the form of a homogeneous mass or small pieces contained in the sauce. Liquid canned eukanub, belong to the veterinary line, have some advantage over dry food. They have a lower content of ballast impurities, they provide a healthy digestion in the pet. In the production of such feeds:

Eucanuba feed for kittens

In this feed for babies the basis is chicken meat, it completely lacks harmful additives, food colors, detrimental to the health of small kittens. As a result of the feeding of the kitten with this product, he has an intensive growth, thanks to the presence of vitamin E in the diet, a magnificent antioxidant, immunity is strengthened.

Eukanuba for kittens contains docosahexaenoic acid, which promotes optimal development of the brain, improves vision, and fats "Omega-3" and "Omega-6" help the skin and wool cover to be healthy. Elements of calcium and various minerals develop and strengthen bone tissue, and the constituent fiber contributes to the easy and rapid absorption of all nutrients.

Eucanuba for sterilized cats

The special feed of Eucanuba for cats that have undergone the sterilization procedure includes chicken and liver meat, it helps to reduce the weight of the animal and fully satisfies the ration of pets. For such cats, it is recommended that Eukanuba Urinari, antioxidants included in it, a lower protein level, a minimum amount of fat, a complex of vitamin and mineral components, will have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, L-carotene will help burn fat tissue, reduce the weight of the animal and keep it on the necessary level.

Medicinal Forages Eucanuba

In the food product for eukanuba cats, only natural ingredients are used, therefore it has proved itself well for animals with health problems, it has a beneficial effect on cats having stomach and intestinal problems. Some examples of this food can be cited as an example:

  1. Eukanuba Intestinal significantly improves the condition of animals with acute or chronic gastroenteritis, various kinds of diarrhea, inflammation of the intestine, pancreatitis, constipation, is indicated in diseases caused by parasites or strains.
  2. Eukanuba Renal for cats is a wonderful dietary product for chronic kidney failure and the formation of stones. Before using this feed, you should consult with a veterinarian to get additional recommendations and determine the period of application.
  3. Eukanuba Oxalat . In case of problems with the kidneys or urea, the presence of stones and sand in the internal organs, it is necessary to transfer the pet to Eukanubu Oxalat for cats, with a note about the prevention of urolithiasis.
  4. Eukanuba Dermatosis . If you notice a skin-related disease, food intolerance or allergy in your pet, get this food, based on lamb meat, barley, rice, which are sources of protein and carbohydrates.
  5. Eucanuba lamb with rice helps to improve the structure of the skin and coat, normalizes the digestive process, counteracts some allergens, removes internal and external inflammation.

Eucanuba feed for elderly cats

Veterinarians advise to buy for older cats wet food, it is better absorbed in the body of animals older than seven years. But there are dry adapted foods for aging pets. The Eukanuba product belonging to the veterinary diet line, the senior liver with chicken and liver, which contains lightweight elements that help in the prevention of obesity, slows down the aging process and supports the joints, has high taste qualities, and a large content of animal protein allows long to maintain muscle mass.

The choice of pet food is an extremely important matter, the quality of life of the pet and its duration depend on it. Eucanuba for cats serves as a good food, which provides a preventive effect for the body, it prevents the occurrence of diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of bones and wool.