Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy

So-called traces of protein in the urine, during pregnancy are found quite often. In this case, not always this phenomenon indicates a violation. Let's consider the phenomenon in more detail, we will outline the main reasons for its development.

What does "traces of protein in the urine" mean in pregnant women?

As a rule, doctors give such a conclusion at a protein concentration in the range of 0.002-0.033 g / l. Normally, he should be absent. However, its appearance in such a quantity is not in itself a violation. This fact only indicates the possibility of developing complications of gestation and requires monitoring throughout the entire pregnancy, the periodic delivery of urine for research.

What are the causes of traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy?

It should be noted that the appearance of protein cells in the urine provided for analysis may be a consequence of a violation of the algorithm for sampling the biomaterial. Recall that it is necessary to collect the average portion, 2-3 seconds before pissing in the toilet. In addition, to avoid the ingress of protein cells from the vagina, during the collection procedure it is necessary to install a hygiene tampon.

However, if a woman complies with all of the above rules, and the protein in the analysis is present in a concentration greater than 0.033 g / l, then its presence may indicate:

It is necessary to say that before taking any action, to conduct further examination, when detecting protein in the urine, doctors prescribe a repeated analysis. The thing is that urine is released from the kidneys unevenly during the day. The appearance of protein cells in the morning portion may be a consequence of the abuse of protein foods on the eve of the study. It is necessary to take this fact into account, and there is no meat, fish, dairy products before the analysis is submitted.