Iodomarine during pregnancy

Almost all women who carry a child must take a drug called Jodomarin. At what often there is a necessity to accept Jodomarin still at planning of pregnancy. Its components, and in particular iodine, play an important role in the correct and full-fledged formation of the baby's body. However, women tend to worry about taking any drug during the period of gestation, so consider how appropriate to use Iodomarin during pregnancy and how to do it correctly. After all, sometimes there are alternative options for replenishing iodine deficiency in the body.

Iodomarin use during pregnancy

Low content of the main component of the drug is fraught with the appearance of a significant risk of mental underdevelopment of the fetus. This is due to insufficient development of the thyroid gland by the child of the necessary hormones for the proper construction and development of his brain. This is what causes the need to take Iodomarin-100 during pregnancy. Also, this drug can protect a woman from diseases that can be caused by iodine deficiency.

Iodomarin during pregnancy - instructions and quantity for use

Like all other medications, the intake of this medication and its amount is determined by the attending physician or gynecologist. However, often a woman does not receive exhaustive information and is lost in guessing how much to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy, so as not to harm herself and the future child.

As a rule, the increased content of this element is necessary in the period of breastfeeding and, directly, the bearing of the baby. In these cases, the drug is taken in an amount of 200 μg per day immediately after the main meal. In any case, do not need to independently set the dosage of Iodomarin during pregnancy, because a harmless, at first glance, drug can cause unpleasant side effects. They are able not only to worsen the state of health of the mother, but also to cloud such wonderful moments of expectation of the child.

Side effects of iodomarin in pregnancy

Immediately make a reservation that all of the following symptoms that may accompany the drug, occur only with a large overdose or purely personal intolerance of the components. So, taking Jodomarin during pregnancy sometimes causes such negative feelings as:

The presence of one of the above-described signs of an allergy to Iodomarin during pregnancy requires an immediate cessation of his admission and an urgent visit to the pregnant doctor who is observing the pregnancy. Avoid their appearance will help strict adherence to the prescribed rules for taking the drug and its quantity.

Elevit and Jodomarin in pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman needs an additional amount of vitamins and trace elements, which do not always come in the right amount with food. therefore there is a need to additionally use vitamin complexes, the most popular of which is Elevit in pregnancy . It can be combined with Iodomarin, since iodine is absent in the formulation. But all the same it is the attending physician who is painting how to take Iodomarin during pregnancy in conjunction with other drugs.

The process of gestation is a very difficult test for the body, and the task of the woman is constant support of its normal functioning. Now it becomes clear why pregnant women are prescribed Jodomarin, and how important is the use of this drug.