Ectopic pregnancy - signs and symptoms

Every woman dreams that her pregnancy would be perfect, but it does not always happen that way. Of course, it's bad when doctors diagnose the pathology of this condition, but even worse, when signs of ectopic pregnancy manifest. From such a situation there can be only one way out - an urgent operation.

If the embryo, for one reason or another, is not entrenched in the uterine cavity, but elsewhere (in the fallopian tube, ovary or even the abdominal cavity), then with its growth, severe sudden bleeding, dangerous not only for health, but also for a woman's life, can begin. That is why it is important to know how to determine an ectopic pregnancy, the symptoms and signs of which can be detected at the earliest, although rarely differ from the manifestations of a normally proceeding "interesting situation".

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy before delay

Before the delay of another menstruation, signs of development of the fetal egg in the wrong place, there may be pain in the abdomen. It occurs as the embryo grows and is usually more pronounced if the attachment occurs in a very narrow fallopian tube. It is known that when the fetal egg is attached to the epiploon (in the peritoneum), the fruit, on the other hand, can develop for a very long time without any unusual signs. In this case, the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy may not manifest itself for a long time, which is very dangerous.

The main signs of ectopic pregnancy after a delay

Suspicion of fetal development outside the uterus can arise precisely after a delay, when the embryo is already large enough to cause the following manifestations:

In addition, in the ultrasound study conducted after the analysis of hCG level, the embryo is not visualized in the uterine cavity. To diagnose the condition in question, the laparoscopy method is also used, which allows simultaneous diagnosis and removal of the fetus attached to the wrong place. The main thing is not to hesitate to address a gynecologist, and then the next attempt at conception will necessarily be successful.