What you can eat after poisoning?

Poisoning is a huge stress for the whole organism. But most of all, the digestive system suffers. The most important is the question of nutrition at the stage of recovery after intoxication. What you can eat after poisoning? This we will discuss in today's article.

What can you eat after poisoning?

On the first day after poisoning, a weakened organism requires the renewal of the water-salt balance. After cleaning the stomach and intestines from toxic substances, the digestive system is suspended. Therefore, the intake of any food during this period is undesirable. To "run" the digestive tract and adjust its normal work, you can start eating with light crushed food the day after the poisoning. The amount of food should be small: a portion that fits in the palm of your hand. The total meal intake per day should be divided 6 times. Thus, food is provided every 2 or 2.5 hours. The most important components necessary for normal recovery of the body and functioning are protein, carbohydrates and fats. The optimal ratio of these substances in the daily diet is: 200 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of fats and proteins. If you talk in more detail about what you can eat after poisoning, it's worth noting that there is a list of prohibited foods that you need to forget about during recovery. These include:

In the question of what kind of fruit can be poisoned, the answer is unequivocal: only those that grow in their native area, and only in baked form or in the form of kissels and compotes.

An approximate menu in the next three days after poisoning:

Breakfast: fruit or berry jelly.

The second breakfast: a slice of dried white bread, boiled soft boiled egg.

Third breakfast: jelly from berries, baked apple.

Lunch: rice porridge, boiled carrots.

Snack: sweet tea, dry biscuits.

Dinner: rice porridge with a piece of butter.

In breaks between meals, you can back with a crust of white bread and sweetened drinks.

The menu is universal for children and adults. The above products are exactly what the baby can be after poisoning in the first three days of the beginning of the diet. For babies, the most important is sufficient supply of high-quality mother's milk. At the same time, Mom should observe all the precautionary measures in personal nutrition - there are no "heavy" or unusual products, and also those that are capable of causing allergies. After a three-day dietary diet, you need to gradually introduce other products that are not included in the "forbidden" list:

What can you drink after poisoning?

Perhaps the feeling of hunger will not visit you even on the third day. Thus, the body makes it clear that he is still at the stage of withdrawal of the poison. The most important now is the reception of a sufficient amount of fluid. It can be non-carbonated mineral or ordinary boiled water. To maintain strength, drinking can be sweetened. Sugar is quickly absorbed and replenishes the energy balance. Drinking should be non-hot and not cold, ideally - coincide with the internal temperature of the body. Take your drinks often in small quantities. After poisoning, it is best to drink broths of St. John's wort, chamomile, blueberry and dog rose, sweet tea, compotes of berries and fruits of your area. It is necessary to exclude coffee, cocoa, milk drinks, alcohol.