Traneksam during pregnancy in the early stages

While waiting for the coveted baby, the expectant mother hopes for the successful development of the fetus. Therefore, the possibility of miscarriage upsets a woman. To prevent this, when pregnant at an early age, doctors sometimes prescribe medication to Tranexam. This drug has a blood-restoring, anti-inflammatory effect.

To mother expecting the baby, to understand for herself whether there is a threat of miscarriage, you need to be attentive to your health. With symptoms such as drawing pains in the abdomen, back, spotting, general weakness and black flies before the eyes, you need to consult a specialist.

After the examination, the expert will ask the woman several questions to understand what treatment is right for her. For example, in the instructions of Treneksam, used in early pregnancy, it is written that the drug is contraindicated in thrombosis and hypersensitivity to its components. Also, it is undesirable to use this medicine for nursing mothers. it can be excreted in breast milk and harm the development of the child.

Therefore, treatment should only take place according to the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. How, in what dosage will take Traneksam during pregnancy, your doctor will paint. Usually it is prescribed either one tablet a day or three. It depends on the woman's well-being and her specific situation.

Tranexam is produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of a solution for intravenous administration. Thus, in certain cases, the doctor can give a referral to a hospital where droppers with this drug will be prescribed.

Pregnant should be aware of possible side effects of Tranexam and timely inform the doctor about it. Among them may be:

How long can I take Tranexam during pregnancy?

The course of treatment is usually 7 days. Since the drug has many side effects, do not exceed the dosage and timing of the appointment, appointed by the doctor.

Some women face brown discharge after taking Tranexam during pregnancy. This phenomenon causes additional concern. Experts explain it by the fact that brown mucus is the remains of former bloody discharge that lingered in the female genitalia and acquired such a color. Those. this is no longer a sign of a threat of miscarriage. Nevertheless, with the prolonged allocation of such mucus is to inform the doctor about it.

Can I take Tranexam during pregnancy for prevention, and at what dose?

Once again, we emphasize that any treatment should be agreed with the attending physician and conducted under his supervision. Pregnancy is not a time to engage in self-medication, and it is necessary to approach this with full responsibility. Sometimes, with the threat of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which is diagnosed by a specialist, Traneksam can be appointed from the first days of pregnancy. Dosage is prescribed exclusively by the doctor for each individual case.

Traneksam, like all other medicines, has a number of contraindications and side effects, so the best prevention of the safe development of the baby is a healthy lifestyle of the mother. If the pregnant woman is eating properly and nutritionally, walks a lot, plays sports appropriate to her position, rests on time, watches her psychological well-being (calm, relaxed, friendly), then the chances of taking a healthy child without any medications are significantly increased.