Bronchitis in pregnancy

Bronchitis in pregnancy is a common disorder, which is usually a consequence of a cold. It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the respiratory system, or rather, directly in the bronchi. The main symptom of this disease is a cough, which gives the pregnant a lot of trouble. Let's take a closer look at this infringement and tell you about how bronchitis is taking place in pregnant women and what consequences it can have.

When does bronchitis occur most often during pregnancy?

It is worth noting that in most cases this type of disease visits women in the situation immediately at the beginning of the pregnancy. The thing is that it is during this time interval, because of the weakening of immunity, that the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body is likely. However, bronchitis can develop during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

Is bronchitis dangerous during pregnancy?

It must be said that bronchitis is most dangerous during pregnancy in the first and third trimester. So, at the beginning of pregnancy, due to the fact that most antiviral drugs can not be taken, the possibility of penetration of the pathogen to the fetus is very high. As a result, there is a possibility of infection of a small organism, which can disrupt the process of intrauterine development and even lead to fetal death.

As for the late terms, the bronchitis in such a situation can have a direct impact on childbirth. However, it should be noted that with timely access to a doctor, bronchitis in the early stages of pregnancy in most cases can be easily cured.

If we talk about the negative consequences of such a violation during pregnancy, then their development is possible only if they do not make timely contact with a specialist. With bronchitis, the process of normal ventilation of the lungs is disrupted, which in turn reduces the amount of oxygen that enters the lungs. In the end, hypoxia of the fetus may occur.

With a strong cough, because of the constantly overstraining of the abdominal muscles, the tone of the uterine musculature increases, which in turn can lead to abortion or premature birth at a later date.

Thus, it can be said that bronchitis during pregnancy has virtually no effect on its course. However, this does not mean that a pregnant woman can not give a cough. The earlier she applies for medical help, the sooner recovery will come.