Toxicosis in pregnancy - how to deal with it in the most effective ways?

Future mums can be bothered by toxicosis during pregnancy and wonder how to deal with it. About 85% of women in this "interesting" situation face this unpleasant state. Toxicosis is not a disease, but a pathological condition, and you can cope with it.

Toxicosis in pregnancy - causes

Although scientists continue to study this pathological phenomenon, and there is no accurate data on its origin. It was found that during the pregnancy, "toxicity" can be "attacked" both at an early stage of gestation and at a later date. The factors that provoke this phenomenon are similar. However, at a later stage, it can cause a very serious harm to the woman and the baby.

Causes of Toxicosis in Early Pregnancy

After conception immediately the organism of the future mother is adjusted for work on "2 front". The burden on him increases, because he must provide twice as many needs. Against this background, there is an early toxicosis , which can be caused by such factors:

  1. Changes in the hormonal level. They begin to occur already from the first hours after fertilization. Such changes affect the state of health of the pregnant woman and her emotional state. She becomes touchy, irritable, subject to a sharp change of mood.
  2. Chronic diseases provoke weakening of immunity. As a result, a woman "attacks" a toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.
  3. The period of development of the placenta - it lasts up to 12-14 weeks. At this stage in the body of the future mother, imbalance of certain substances is observed, and he reacts to this with attacks of nausea.
  4. Defensive reaction. Provocators of nausea are drinks containing caffeine, tobacco smoke, eggs and so on. All of them can cause serious harm to the fetus, therefore the maternal organism protects a new life through toxicosis. In addition, after each meal increases the level of insulin, and this negatively affects the development of the embryo.

Late toxicosis during pregnancy - causes

Scientifically, this pathological phenomenon is called "gestosis". More often it is observed in primiparas. Late toxicosis during pregnancy is caused by the following factors:

  1. Narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, the blood supply to the brain, kidneys and other vital organs is deteriorating.
  2. Multiple pregnancy. The burden on a woman's body increases, so internal systems fail.
  3. Psychological factors. In anticipation of a meeting with a crumb, the expectant mother may greatly worry. It can be tormented by experiences and fears , and suddenly during childbirth something will go wrong.
  4. Endocrine diseases. These include diabetes, obesity and so on.
  5. Incorrect food. Pregnant women have special taste preferences. Some of them may strongly want something sweet, so they lean on cakes, biscuits and other non-food products.
  6. Age of the pregnant. Toxicosis in the second trimester often overcomes women older than 35 years.
  7. Unhealthy Lifestyle. This can include bad habits, chronic lack of sleep, excessive stress.

Toxicosis and sex of the child - is there a connection?

Since the appearance of 2 strips on the pregnancy test, the woman wants to quickly find out who will be - a boy or a girl. Some mothers piously believe that people's signs help determine the sex of the crumbs. So, for example, it is believed that a strong toxicosis in pregnant women is a sign that they are babies of the opposite sex, that is, boys.

Although there is a cardinally opposite opinion that girls strongly force mom to suffer. This version is even tried to explain scientifically. One of the causes of toxicosis in pregnancy is the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. In women, bearing girls, such a substance in the blood is much more than those who carry under the heart of boys. Quite a logical explanation.

However, scientists from Stockholm conducted a study of pregnant women who had severe toxicosis. As a result, it turned out that half of them were born girls, and the second - boys. It turns out that this theory has no scientific justification. There is no relationship between the well-being of the future mother and the child's sex. To know who will be born, a woman should go to ultrasound .

How is toxicosis manifested?

This pathological phenomenon is characterized by its own characteristics. The most common symptom of early toxicosis is vomiting. It can be of different degrees of severity:

  1. Easy - up to 5 attacks a day. With such a toxicosis for a week pregnant loses in weight from 1 to 3 kg. On the general state of health of a woman, this is not reflected.
  2. Average - the number of urges increases to 10 times a day. The general condition worsens. Pregnant gets a breakdown. She loses more than 3 kg in weight.

When early toxicosis manifests, the symptoms can be:

For late toxicosis, other symptoms are characteristic. Symptoms of gestosis are:

When does toxicosis begin in pregnant women?

Often, these signs and signal a woman about the "interesting" situation. However, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms of this pathological condition can "attack" the expectant mother and in the late stage of bearing a child. The timing of onset of toxicosis depends on various factors. More often this pathological condition makes itself felt from the 5th week of gestation. Late toxicosis manifests itself in the last trimester. It begins to develop after the 30th week of gestation.

When does toxicosis end?

Unpleasant sensations are impeccable companions of a pregnant woman. How long a toxicosis lasts depends on the stage of gestation, when it arose. In the first trimester, this phenomenon lasts until the final formation of the placenta - until the 14th week of pregnancy. However, some women experience such unpleasant feelings earlier. Late toxicosis during pregnancy is dangerous. How to deal with it, the doctor knows, so at the first symptoms you need to go to him immediately. These unpleasant symptoms can overcome up to the birth, but with the right approach, the condition of a woman can be alleviated.

How to get rid of toxemia during pregnancy?

Today there is no "magic" pill that would help a woman cope with the unpleasant sensations that accompany the period of bearing a child. However, gynecologists have developed a number of recommendations on how to get rid of toxemia. These tips are effective - they help to ease the condition. In some cases, future mothers in the fight against the problem prescribe safe, but effective medication.

Toxicosis - how to relieve the condition?

Among pregnant women there is an opinion that it is possible to combat unpleasant sensations by restricting nutrition. However, this approach is incorrect. These restrictions can cause serious damage to a woman's health and crumbs. In how to get rid of nausea with toxicosis, the following tips will help:

  1. Food should be divided - 5-6 times a day.
  2. Food should be at room temperature (neither hot nor cold).
  3. From the diet should be excluded semi-finished products, smoked products, salinity and spicy food.
  4. Food should be chewed thoroughly.
  5. The "first" breakfast (dried fruits, dry biscuits) should be in bed.
  6. More need to be in the fresh air.
  7. Avoid "provocateurs" of nausea.
  8. Clothes should be made from natural fabrics and do not constrain movement.
  9. It is important to get enough sleep.

Toxicosis in early pregnancy - treatment

First, you have to fight the troubles by changing your lifestyle and diet. If non-drug manipulations do not help, toxemia in the early stages is controlled with drugs. They should be selected by a doctor. If there is toxicosis during pregnancy, how to deal with it, "know" the following drugs:

Than to stop a late toxicosis?

It is necessary to combat this condition in a complex manner. "Attacked" late toxicosis, what do not you know? Here are some useful tips:

  1. Organize the correct diet.
  2. To adhere to the prescribed medication.
  3. Provide bed rest.

If you diagnosed late toxicosis during pregnancy, how to deal with it, the doctor knows. He can prescribe such medicines: