Types of silhouettes in clothes

Clothes without exaggeration have long become an integral part of life for each of us. But if in the old days it often served as nothing more than a cover of a human body, while it was as simple as possible, nowadays clothes show the essence of a person. She is able to tell a lot about a person. And with the flow of time, clothes became more and more complicated. Starting from simple loincloths up to the modern concept of a toilet, that is, a collection of clothes, shoes, gloves, various accessories that perfectly complement the image.

With the complication of apparel, the notion of style and silhouette in clothes became an important element. The very word "silhouette" has French roots and it denotes the outlines of an object. But if we talk about a silhouette in clothes, then regardless of the complexity of the decoration, any clothes can be conditionally represented in the form of a simple geometric figure - a rectangle, a trapezoid, an oval or a triangle.

Recently, designers are focusing on several types of silhouettes in clothing. The most popular for today are a straight, semi-adjacent, fitted and trapezoidal silhouette:

  1. The straight silhouette in clothes differs in a rectangular geometric shape and is represented in several variants: a narrow and expanded rectangle, as well as a square with truncated upper corners. The straight silhouette is the most versatile, it looks great in clothes regardless of the figure. The width of the clothes of this silhouette in the chest and thighs is the same.
  2. The semi-adjacent silhouette in clothes is characterized by an easy fit along the line of the chest, waist, hips and a smooth, sometimes barely noticeable extension downwards. In general, this silhouette repeats the shape of the figure, but does not reveal it completely at the same time.
  3. The fitted silhouette speaks for itself. Clothing has an extended shoulder line, narrowed waist and bottom of the article.
  4. Silhouette of a trapeze in clothes also has its own characteristics. The main characteristic of the trapezoidal silhouette is the extension from the shoulder or armhole line. Clothing, made in this silhouette, can be either free throughout the entire length, and be fixed with an elegant waist in the waist. A significant expansion of clothing will be the best solution for women with high growth or women in an interesting position.