How useful is the cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese is the most popular lactic acid product, which is prepared by heating kefir (sour milk). It is very difficult to make any claims to this food, because it is useful to all age categories, and is also famous for its naturalness - the way of cooking cottage cheese has been the same for centuries.

A bit of history

Slavs revered cottage cheese and harvested it in abundance. During the year there were periods when the cottage cheese was accumulated very much (for example, in the post), and it is stored, as we know badly - no more than three days, and even with refrigerators there were complexities ... Therefore, our ancestors came up with a way to "preserve" the cottage cheese - cooked cottage cheese in a slightly hot oven, putting there curd in a clay pot. Then the cottage cheese was thrown back on the linen bag, separating the whey. In order for the cottage cheese to be stored for months, this procedure was done three more times, each time the cottage cheese became drier. In the end, it was put in barrels, topped with melted butter, and so it was stored for several months. Cottage cheese most often took with them on a long journey.

What and for whom is curd cheese useful?

Since our ancestors were so busy with its preparation, it means that something cottage cheese should be useful.

We know that protein from cottage cheese is very well absorbed. The reason for this lightness lies in the structure - it does not have a tissue or cell structure, but consists of flakes. Moreover, 14-16% of cottage cheese is protein, in the form of essential amino acids. This structure causes most of the useful properties of cottage cheese, because it is easy to assimilate protein, it is ideal for any person's diet, regardless of gender, age and occupation. Cottage cheese can be an ideal meat substitute for vegetarians.

What fatness cottage cheese is more useful?

But cottage cheese can be very fat - up to 20%. Curd fat is useful, but still it is worth choosing more sparing options - bold 9% fat, and low-fat to 3% fat. Thanks to fat, most of the vitamins and nutrients contained in curd are absorbed, so low-fat, dietary curds with 0% is foolish to buy. Let's see what we can lose by purchasing cottage cheese for a diet with an excellent 0%:

So here, we hope you understand what fatness cottage cheese is more useful.

Is cottage cheese useful at losing weight, as well as in sports?

Cottage cheese is a highly concentrated protein product, which is easily digested, yet leaves us full for several hours. Is cottage cheese useful for breakfast? Of course, especially if you are losing weight and want to avoid extra snacks before lunch or a second breakfast. Slimming is very important protein, because it is his intake in combination with training, cause the process of fat burning, or rather, what is useful for curds for muscles. If you train and eat protein, the body will not burn muscle tissue, as occurs in those who sit on hunger diets, but, conversely, he will understand that you need muscles. The process of building muscles will begin, and for this we need energy - its body and take it from fat.

The content of muscle tissue is a very laborious process, they are even at rest require a lot of energy - all this and allows you to lose weight during and outside of training.

It is difficult to list all that is useful for curd for athletes. With muscles and protein everything is clear, but there is another interesting fact. Professional athletes, we will not deny this, often consume different sports supplements, including, and steroids. These substances lead to obesity of the liver , if the liver, your natural filter, does not protect. Curd contains amino acid methionine, which prevents obesity of the liver under the influence of steroids, any toxic substances, and also due to treatment. The same methionine reduces the level of cholesterol in the body.