How to dream another person?

There are situations when a person wants to remind himself about himself indirectly. To do this, you can dream another person in a dream. Although it is not so easy to do, it is still possible. Astrologers and guides, who know how to dream to another person in a dream, believe that it is the easiest way to master this person who can control their dreams.

Can I dream about another person?

To dream another person, you need a great desire and knowledge of some principles. In addition, at the moment when the person is sent the necessary sleep , he must sleep, otherwise he will not be able to receive the message sent.

Sometimes a dream is transmitted only after several attempts. Therefore, you need to be patient and carefully follow all the recommendations on this issue.

How to dream to another person at a distance?

There are several ways how to dream to another person:

  1. To see a dream about this man . There is a version that people see each other in a dream mutually. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to think about the person you want to dream about, look at his photo, remember the various situations with him. If you can see the necessary person in a dream, then there is a great chance that he will also see a dream with your participation.
  2. Interact with a person in a dream . If you are able to control dreams, then in a dream it is necessary to interact with the person you need: shake his hand, communicate with him, do something with him.
  3. Mentally become a shadow of a person . Before going to sleep, imagine that your addressee is doing something and try to copy it mentally. Devote this exercise a few minutes. After that, you must fall asleep with the thought that you will meet the necessary person in the dream.
  4. Privorot helping dream of another person . In a small apple, you need to make a notch or incision and insert a person's photo or even a piece of paper on which his name is written. After that, the apple is placed on the windowsill. The more the apple shrinks, the more a person will think of you and see you in a dream.

Finally it is necessary to say that to dream a person is just part of the matter. The final success of a case depends on how well a person remembers his dreams. Some people sleep so tightly that they do not remember their dreams. In this case, it will be necessary to work hard so that one day the addressee could remember what and whom he saw in a dream.