Ultraviolet Flashlight

Not so long ago an interesting novelty appeared on sale - ultraviolet flashlights. They work on LEDs, revealing with their light beam the ultraviolet spectrum invisible to the ordinary human eye. Such lights can be in the form of pocket or headphones, miniature key fobs and stationary devices. Stationary ultraviolet lamps are installed in banks and cash registers to verify banknotes for authenticity. Small pocket-type lanterns are very convenient to use in everyday life for the following purposes.

Why do I need an ultraviolet lantern?

Their popularity with flashlights with ultraviolet light was acquired after the invention of fluorescent paint. It is reflected in the invisible eye light beam of the lantern. By purchasing such a device, you can use it as a detector for various substances that are sensitive to UV radiation.

  1. Most often, ultraviolet flashlights are bought to check money. As you know, paper notes of our time have several complex degrees of protection - these are ornaments, protective hairs, metallized strips, etc. Most of them have the ability to glow in different shades under ultraviolet radiation with a certain wavelength. Buying a pocket flashlight as a detector for the authenticity of banknotes will be relevant if you are working in a trade. However, you need to know about the degree of protection of notes, because modern counterfeiters are good at forging even complex protection.
  2. To check the leakage of working fluids in cars and other machinery. To carry out such a diagnosis, it is necessary to pre-add a little fluorescent paint to the desired liquid. In addition to searching for leaks, motorists sometimes use ultraviolet lanterns to check anti-theft markings.
  3. Some flashlights with sufficient power can be used in speleology and geology - to search for and determine various minerals and rocks. For example, in an assortment of almost any online store you will find an ultraviolet flashlight for searching for amber . To this end, it is better to purchase a professional model - they are somewhat more expensive than conventional ones.
  4. Protective marking of some parts manufactured by the factory is also visible only in the light of ultraviolet radiation. If by occupation you are faced with such a need, then the UV flashlight will be a useful acquisition. You should also know that flashlights have the ability to "see" in the ultraviolet inscriptions made by special invisible markers such as Edding.
  5. In hunters, flashlights with ultraviolet light serve to search for traces of the wounded beast, as the blood absorbs ultraviolet rays well and looks darker on any background.
  6. In criminology and tracology, flashlights along with reagents are used by experts to search for traces of various biological fluids.

Types of ultraviolet LED flashlights

However, not all devices are the same - they differ not only in shape and external design, but also in the spectrum of ultraviolet radiation that can "see". In other words, all flashlights are designed for different wavelengths of light waves. Also, they have a different number of LEDs, which determines the feasibility of using ultraviolet flashlights in various areas.

  1. Flashlights at 300-380 nm (nanometers) are ideal for searching for biological fluids, as well as for catching insects.
  2. To check the notes, the length of the UV-wave must be at least 385 nm, and some not very powerful flashlights can not detect complex protection. Therefore, it is best to use a fluorescent lamp BlackLight.
  3. In order to distinguish invisible markings, you will need a flashlight with a wavelength of 385-400 nm.
  4. If you want to buy an ultraviolet flashlight just for fun, then know that any inscription made with fluorescent paint (as, for example, in nightclubs) will glow under the influence of a wave of any length. For this, even a small pocket key fob will be enough.