Coprophilia - what is it and how to recognize coprophilia?

There are different kinds of sexual deviations, which in most cases arise as a result of mental abnormalities. This includes coprophilia, which for many people is unacceptable and disgusting phenomenon. Psychologists refer this to diseases that are amenable to treatment.

What is this coprophilia?

By this term we understand the form of sexual behavior, when excitement and satisfaction is achieved as a result of manipulations with partner's feces. Male and female coprophilia can manifest itself in various forms, from observing stool to eating feces. This form of sexual behavior is a form of fetishism and masochism, that is, lovers of coprophilia achieve pleasure as a result of the partner performing defecation on him.

Coprophilia - causes

Unfortunately, but there is a lack of clinical data that relate to the causes of the emergence and development of coprophilia. It is believed that the origins of this deviation are in the formation of conditioned reflexes. There is an opinion about someone who likes coprophilia, that such sexual preferences are in people with mental disabilities. Many experts believe that the reason lies in different etiological factors. Opinion about coprophils was expressed also by Freud, who believed that such fantasies are associated with an attempt to deny the fear of castration.

According to the research, the presented type of fetishism is often accompanied by compulsive use of abusive words, which also contributes to the intensification of excitement. Coprophilia can pass into coprophagy, which is understood as the eating of excrement. This occupation is dangerous to health, because the stool contains many bacteria and fungi, which can cause serious problems. To date, there is no accurate scientific data on the number of people engaged in coprophilia.

Coprophilia - the symptoms

There is no list of signs indicating such a sexual deviation. Some psychologists analyzed people with this behavior and tried to determine how to recognize coprophilia. One of the most frequent manifestations of symptoms is the excitement from viewing a photo or video with feces. In addition, coprophil enjoys watching people who are in the toilet.

Coprophilia - treatment

If a person realizes that such addictions are not the norm, then this is already a good sign, indicating that he wants to cope with the existing deviation. Coprophilia is a disease that you can not get rid of on your own. It is necessary to turn to a psychologist with the help of which it will be possible to determine the real cause of the problem and to overcome it in the right way.

To treat the problems associated with sexual deviations , different methods of psychotherapy are used, which should not be aimed at reducing the pathological desire, but on the correction of behavior. In some cases, when a person worries about coprophilia, but his partner agrees with such a fetish, the specialist will help the patient to accept his individual characteristics.

How to become coprophilic?

People who are aware of their addiction to feces are confronted with the problem of finding a partner for such experiments. The fear that some accusations will be heard or the label will be hanged, makes you keep silent about your desires. Many will be surprised, but excrementophilia is not uncommon and in the network, if you want, you can find forums or groups where people not only share their experiences and tell stories, but also look for partners.