Grilled frying pan

Not every kitchen still has an amazing grill, with which you can cook a variety of not only tasty, but very useful dishes . The advantage is the absence of oil for frying meat, fish, vegetables, which secretes carcinogens with active heating, and the fat that is released during cooking, does not come into contact with the product, because it drains to the bottom.

Material of frying pan

Before choosing grilling pans you will need to find out which material is the most practical. Modern industry offers different options for the inner coating of such a frying pan, but not all of them are convenient to use.

Cast iron

The best are cast - iron grills. After all, the metal itself is very resistant to all kinds of chemicals, scratches and temperature changes. This frying pan will serve for many years.

Often a cast-iron griddle comes complete with a ribbed lid. The price of such dishes will be higher and the buyer can think about whether this lid is really needed and what is its function. It turns out that the lid serves as a kind of press and is used for roasting panini or chicken of tobacco and other dishes that require little oppression during cooking.


The most budget option is a grill pan made of pressed aluminum. It is light, sturdy, heat-resistant, but easily scratched, and therefore, during cooking, you should use special silicone blades and forceps.

Aluminum frying pans often serve as the basis for a grill pan with a stone coating. That is, the stone is present only inside the frying pan. Such dishes are worth a lot and it's not for nothing that fat is absolutely not required at cooking, it is environmentally friendly, does not suffer from corrosion, scratches and even is washed without special means.


Very popular is the ceramic coating for a grill pan. It is environmentally friendly, perfectly withstand high temperatures, but it does not tolerate temperature changes very well, especially if it is heated by a hot cold water jet.

Non-stick coating

In some countries, non-stick coating for dishes is prohibited, because unscrupulous manufacturers prefer to keep silent about its harm and actively promote the convenience of such pans. Therefore, the choice of a pan with a non-stick coating such as Teflon would be an unjustifiable risk.

Handle grills

An important point in choosing a frying pan for a grill will be the choice of handle. For example, for a cast-iron frying pan, it is highly desirable that it be solid. After all, the weight of pig iron sometimes exceeds 3-5 kg ​​and there is a risk of injuring your legs if the overhead handle suddenly falls off at the most inopportune moment.

The remaining models are allowed removable handles, because it is so much more convenient to store dishes. The main thing is that they are made of material that does not conduct heat, in order to avoid burns.

Shape grill pan

Each hostess chooses the form at her discretion, but not everyone knows that:

Little tricks

To properly cook on a grill, you need to know that the higher the rib, the more "correct" the frying pan. That is, all the fat and juice will flow down, not in contact with the product and increasing its benefits.

You can start cooking only on a hot frying pan - if the products are put on the cold, they instantly stick. If you are afraid of a dry frying pan, then anoint the brush with oil only the ribs at the bottom and then for sure nothing will stick. Well, the thickness of the pieces should be about one and a half centimeters - the thin ones will burn, and the thick ones will remain damp inside.