Sex Privorot

Despite the fact that many consider a love spell on sex relatively "harmless", you need to clearly realize that any love spell is magic and magic is black. Think: are there no other ways to achieve the sexual attachment of the desired person. If not, but really want, then the next material is for you.

Types of sexual love spell

There are many kinds of love spell on sex, however, in general, they can be divided into two categories:

  1. Sexual binding. This type of self-confidant fortune teller is recommended even to married women, as prevention or "treatment" in case the spouse has cooled to you in bed . Sexual binding is a rather short-lived love spell (maximum for a year), which can be extended as needed. His action causes a strong sexual desire for the sorceress, but does not deprive him of the opportunity to have intercourse with other partners.
  2. Egypt is a powerful tool that, in fact, makes a man impotent in dealing with other women. This kind of sexual spook is dangerous because it threatens changes in the behavior of a man - aggression or apathy . Increased addiction to alcoholism or drug addiction.


Let's start with a method that, in fact, is not a charm itself, but it also has its effect. It's about visualization. Present in detail those sex scenes that you would like to embody. It is better to do this over a photograph of a person, or over an object of his clothing.

Sexual binding:

Light a candle and stroke it with a photo or an article of clothing of a man. Do this by focusing on the enchanted.

Read the spell:

"In the sea-okayane, on the island of Buyan burns the stone Alatyr,

Lit - does not burn.

So the servant of God (name) burns and glows,

Does not burn out

To me to me, the servant of God (name) does not forget the way.

Be my word for ever and ever. Amen".

Love spell during sex

During coitus with the coveted man, imagine in your mind how a silvery web spans all of his body, as if tying it to yours. Perhaps you will have to forget about your pleasure this time.

Love spleen

It is noteworthy that this spell affects both men and women. The main difficulty for a woman is to get a biomaterial. The semen taken from a condom will approach, however the most powerful power possesses the seed extracted from a body of the woman after the sexual certificate or act. Suppose you got the sperm. What's next?

  1. Option 1. After sexual intercourse, take the used condom with semen and place it in the freezer. With thoughts, concentrate on the desire (to cause sexual attachment), and to strengthen the action, you can pronounce the spell: "While the sperm (name) will lie here, (name) from me will not escape." It is important that the condom is hidden safely, as when it is removed from the freezer and ejected, the effect of the sexual spell on the semen ends.
  2. Option 2. Mix in the ceramic dishes three liquids: the sperm of the desired man, his blood and saliva, and then pour the mixture into a glass of wine or vodka and give a drink to the chosen one.
  3. Option 3. Spread sperm on the bread, saying: "As you can not without your sperm, you can not and without me". The main thing: to come up with a way for a man to taste this exquisite "sandwich".

Basic rules of sexual spirits:

Regardless of which way you choose, combine sexual attachments with caring for yourself and loving yourself. Sometimes this is the best way to get the coveted man. Like the desire to become just a good mistress.