Unwanted soap bubbles

Soap bubbles can raise the mood of people of any age. Now the stores offer a huge number of different solutions and solutions for organizing bright events. You can also find so-called non-blocking soap bubbles, which contain either gelatin or medical glue. These ingredients are responsible for the strength of the rainbow ball. It is interesting to learn more about them, and also to find out whether it is possible to make a solution on their own.

Features of non-sticking bubbles

Every mom feels that the composition of the solution is not toxic and does not harm the child. Therefore, once it is worth emphasizing that the liquid is not toxic and can be safely used for the fun of the kids.

On sale you can find small bubbles that do not burst. They practically do not differ from the usual ones. Simply by contacting surfaces, the balls are not damaged.

The second option is big bubbles, and they already differ in both appearance and blowing method. They resemble rubber and are stored in a tube. It is worth considering how to use such non-blocking bubbles. From the tube squeeze a small amount of content and roll it into a ball, which should be put on a straw. Then you need to slowly inflate the bubble, which will react with the air and solidify. After that, you can play with the balls, shift them, form the figures of them.

How to make non-blocking soap bubbles?

Many mothers prepare the solution themselves from shampoo or soap, as well as water. This option is good because the necessary components are in any house. But the blisters prepared in this way quickly burst. Because parents are interested in how to prepare a composition that will get stronger balls. Make the same non-sticking bubbles, as proposed in the sale, is unlikely to work. But significantly prolong the life of the balls is quite possible.

One of the components that makes bubbles stronger is glycerin. He is "responsible" for their strength, as well as size. Buy this ingredient in the pharmacy and one bottle is enough to experiment with the composition of the solution. To increase the density of the beads, add sugar, gelatin. Water should be used boiled, and preferably distilled.

To prepare non-blocking soap bubbles at home, you can offer several recipes.

Recipe 1



It's enough just to mix all the components.

Recipe 2



All components should be mixed and left for up to 3 days. Then the mixture should be filtered and removed for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Although this method requires effort and time, it results in very strong bubbles.

Recipe 3


First, place the gelatin in water and leave it to swell, then strain, and also drain excess liquid. Next, you need to add sugar and put the composition on fire until completely dissolved. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not boil. Then the composition is poured into water and a detergent is added thereto, as well as glycerin. Mix everything in such a way as to prevent foaming. As a result, the guys will be pleased with dense and huge bubbles.

Obviously, everyone can cope with any of these ways. To any of the solutions, you can add a little food coloring to give the bubbles of color.