Living corner in kindergarten

The child's attitude to the surrounding nature is formed from early childhood. If the family has pets, the kid plays with them, to the best of his ability helps in the care. All this contributes to the overall development, forms responsibility. But it's not always possible to keep a pet at home. In this situation, an excellent way out is the design of the living corner in the kindergarten. Watching plants and animals, children will expand their horizons.

Plants for kindergarten

Of course, indoor flowers are a necessary part of the living corner of nature . But the choice of representatives of flora for children should be approached with some nuances in mind:

They are good for flowers such as chlorophytum, asparagus, Chinese rose, cyperus.

Animals for kindergarten

In the living corner in the DOW all animals must be tested by specialists and be absolutely healthy. But this is not the only requirement for the selection of pets, in addition, it should take into account such moments:

Usually, the living quarters are formalized with the help of educators and parents. Watering flowers can carry children, according to the schedule on duty. The same applies to feeding animals. This will help to bring up discipline and responsibility for kids.