Leg Training

Leg training for girls is a great way to bring your figure to a perfect look. After all, slender, smart, beautiful legs - this is the most important element of your entire image. In addition, for many women, the legs are a problem area: often the eggs are too full or too flat, the hips are excessively rounded and full, and the inner side of the thigh is a separate topic. However, the right training program for the feet will certainly help you get rid of all the problem areas.

Slimming leg training

If your main problem is the excessive fullness of the legs, it will be possible to struggle with this training alone for too long. Extra centimeters need to be destroyed in a complex way by combining the training of leg muscles and proper nutrition.

At the first stage, it is enough to exclude from the diet everything sweet (except fruit), fried, smoked and fatty. According to the observations of physicians, it is the tendency to excessively fatty foods that most often accompanies the fullness of the legs.

Surely you know that the best training of legs and buttocks is an exercise bike or simply riding a bicycle for at least 30-40 minutes. In addition, this is a great kind of aerobic exercise, which not only contributes to the active burning of calories, but also helps to work out all the necessary zones. If the legs are your constant problem zone, what happens to women with the "pear" type of figure, then it makes sense to buy an exercise bike home.

Another super-burning leg training is step aerobics, which can to some extent be replaced by lessons on an elliptical stepper or simply walking up the stairs (not less than 15-20 minutes). If you combine cycling with exercise step - you will see a quick and attractive result.

In addition, as a result of these exercises, not only the training of the feet takes place, but also the training of the whole body, which makes you generally more slender and more attractive. To achieve optimal results, it is worthwhile to practice 3-5 times a week. And if to this all you add and morning jogs, then your feet will soon surprise you! Especially if every day to engage in light jogging, and in the evenings alternate with step and cycling.

The main thing, do not forget that the indicator of good work is when the leg muscles after exercising hurt. If you are doing half the job, and not until the last gasp, the results will have to wait much longer!

Leg training at home

If your goal is to make the legs more correctly shaped, you can engage in a kind of bodybuilding - such a leg training is possible even at home with a pair of dumbbells. In order to cover the struggle with all problem areas, it is worthwhile to practice the full complex:

  1. As a warm-up, run on the spot or jump with a rope for 2-5 minutes.
  2. A great exercise for the hips and buttocks! Place your feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel to each other, and squat, pulling the buttocks back deeply. Do 3 sets of 20 times. When it's easy for you, take dumbbells in your hands.
  3. This exercise is effective for the inner side of the thigh. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, put your feet to the sides, and crouch, keeping your back flat (it's sumo squats). Do 3 sets of 20 times. In the future, you can perform the exercise by picking up dumbbells.
  4. A perfect exercise for the development of the lower leg. Stand on one foot, pick up dumbbells. Perform 20 lifts on your toe. Then stop the foot inside and repeat. Then stop the stop and repeat again. Do the exercise for the other leg.

The leg training at home can take place either daily or 3-4 times a week.