Child love

It's hard to imagine a good family without love! After all, the beginning of a family is the love of a man and a woman, in which their child becomes the fruit. It is in the family of their parents that children learn to love and form relationships with the opposite sex. A small child demonstrates his love with delight at the sight of a loved one, with hugs and kisses. Children's love is more sincere and emotional than the love of adults. In this article, we will talk about whether children can have strong feelings, and whether there is real childish love?

Children's love for parents

Of course, the strongest and first love of a child is the feeling that he feels for his mother. This is probably the only love that does not pass with the years, but only becomes stronger. A child grows up in a family and begins to understand the difference between a boy and a girl. He begins to associate himself with the corresponding gender and imitate his parents (the girl repeats the stereotype of her mother's behavior, and the father's boy). After the onset of a two-year-old child, the parents should be kept in the manifestation of their feelings (to each other) with him. So. should explain to the baby that the dad should sleep with his mother, and the child should have his own bed.

First childish love

Usually, the child experiences the first love in the kindergarten . Of course, this feeling is more like a heightened interest in this or that little person, but children want to call it love. Children do not yet know how to express their sympathy for the opposite sex, so express it at times quite strange. For example, a boy who likes a girl can often pull a braid or push.

Little children are not ashamed of their sympathies and gladly talk about them in the family circle, and children's weddings are played in the yard without embarrassment. In these games, children imitate adults, girls dress up and flirt, and boys behave with restraint. It is very important that parents do not laugh at the child, but take seriously his affection and show interest in his life. In this way they will strengthen the confidence in themselves of their child in later life.

Children's school love

The child-schoolboy is already better aware of himself and understands the role of men and women in relationships. Therefore, the boy shows his sympathy with increased attention: he protects his school love from hooligans, wears a briefcase and gives small presents. Girls become flirtatious, especially in the presence of the object of their adoration. A boy (girl) in love tries to treat his chosen one with his dinner or something special that his parents put in his briefcase.

Children's love from the point of view of psychology

Psychology considers the evolution of the child's sense of love as a process of his development, maturation and evolution. At an early stage of his life, the kid can only take: the material benefits, care and affection of his relatives. Growing up, children begin to learn how to give: they understand that it is necessary to share pleasure with a loved one and take care of it. With growing up, children begin to understand that they should not openly show their affection for the opposite sex. The first childish love is often undivided, so children and adolescents learn to hide their affection.

Thus, children's love can be considered the first manifestation of sincere positive feelings. It manifests itself in everything - in a smile, embrace, kiss and of course good deeds. The fact that the child will be able to love and build relationships in the future depends on the parents, because they are the main example for their offspring.