Games for kids 1 year old

This year passed imperceptibly, the screaming bag grew and turned into a small curious bear cub. Now parents constantly have to come up with something new and interesting, to somehow entertain and take their little one.

Developing games for a one-year-old child

How to play with a one-year-old baby? Of course, using in their games not only entertaining, but also teaching elements. We will tell you about the 10 most popular children's games, taking as a basis, you can come up with a lot of interesting things.

Games for kids 1 year old

1. Naturally the first place is occupied by kitchen utensils . Casseroles, bowls, spoons, pots are the favorite toys of all children. Yes, and my mother, such games in the kitchen almost do not interfere with cooking and doing their own thing. By the way, with the usual plastic cups and pans, you can come up with a lot of games:

2. Cubes and pyramids . Of course, we have already told how to replace them with pots, but nevertheless these educational toys at home are necessary. Only when buying pay attention to the accuracy of manufacturing, the toy must be safe.

3. Mosaics or children's large puzzles. To combine them with masterpieces of a small genius is unlikely to succeed, but here bright colors and a pleasant texture will surely attract his attention.

4. There are many finger games on sale that are good for a one-year-old child:

5. Ball or ball - little kids really like these items, the main thing is to show the one-year-old child how to play with it.

6. Large cars are suitable not only for boys, but for girls, because it is so interesting to load cubes or dolls into a truck body and roll them around the house for a string. And when you get tired, you can sit in the car and ask your parents to roll themselves.

7. Also an interesting game with a one-year-old child can be ordinary hide and seek . In front of the baby hide the toy, wondering where it was she ran. Suggest the youngster to find the loss. We are sure that when it will turn out to be his delight there will be no limit.

8. Dancing. Turn on the merry music and dance with the child, ask him to repeat some simple movements for you.

9. Catching up. How fun to run from dad to mom, along with mom to catch up with Dad. But this fun game also helps develop coordination of the movement.

10. And in the end I would like to say about children's development kits that are sold in specialized stores. Pictures of animals, fishing rods, sets in the sandbox and much more - with all this you can come up with a lot of interesting and useful games.

Most of the games that you can play with children from 1 year old are not just spending time, but some kind of small lessons that help and teach your baby to enter a new life. Do not buy cars in tens, in the hope that the child himself will entertain himself. It is not the quantity, but the attention and participation of parents that matters. Do not be lazy, because it's up to you now how fast your karapuz will develop and how smart a man will be.