Okroshka on sour cream

Many favorite okroshka can be so different simply because of the composition of the dressing, sometimes it even tastes like a different dish. Therefore, we also offer you recipes for okroshki on sour cream, but not at all similar to taste.

How to cook okroshka on broth and sour cream?



Well washed meat, pour in a saucepan with water and send to the oven, carrots and onions peel, cut in half, and the carrots must be cut along and put to the meat. Then send the sweet pepper and, if desired, not very bright seasonings. The broth should turn out tasty, but neutral. Also, immediately put the eggs and potatoes in a "jacket". To accelerate the preparation of potatoes, you can use a microwave oven, putting roots in the sleeve in it, for only 10-12 minutes at maximum power.

Potatoes and eggs before cutting should cool well up to the temperature of the refrigerator, this will greatly simplify the grinding. In the broth for a quarter of an hour until ready to add salt, and for 3 minutes put a laurel, after it is sure to strain and also send for cooling. It will certainly have to be cooled in the refrigerator, so that from the surface of the broth carefully collect the unnecessary chicken fat in okroshka. Only such a practically fat-free broth can be used for a dish. Cut the potatoes and eggs, then radish and small cubes of meat, and finally the cucumbers, so they do not glass, especially if they are watery. Then lay out all the sour cream with mayonnaise and pour cold broth. Now you need to adjust the sharpness, salinity and acid with the help of mustard, salt and citric acid, respectively. And only after that, pour in the greens.

The recipe for okroshki with sausage on the water with sour cream and mayonnaise



Pre-brewed potatoes in the skin and eggs, as they need to cool, then clean and cut them. Vegetables, too, wash and cut the cucumber into cubes, and radish with semicircles. Sausage to grind is small cubes, as for the right taste all ingredients should fit in one spoon. All this season with sour cream and mayonnaise and fill with water. Water is best suited for purified drinking with a neutral taste, do not pour out all at once, but adjust the consistency. Add lemon juice and mustard, and then chopped greens. Onions are best mashed with salt, then it will be more gentle, and so only after it, add salt to the okroshka.