Technique Cecil Lupan - we develop with love

No doubt, every mother wants her baby to grow up healthy, strong and harmoniously developed. That is why the various methods of early development are of increasing interest in recent times. One of them, not the most popular, but very, very interesting - is the technique of Cecil Lupan. Strictly speaking, the technique of Cecil Lupan can not be called scientific. It is rather a way of life, in which the mother does not set herself the task of systematic education of the child, but simply gives him the knowledge in which at the given time he most needs. In this technique, there is no place for compulsory studies, examinations of the material passed, and tedious moralizations. The main idea, laid in the technique of Cecil Lupan - to develop a child needs with love.

Basic principles of the developing technique Cecil Lupan

  1. There are no better teachers for the child than his parents. In fact, who better than mother can feel the mood of the child, his needs, catch what is currently interesting to the child.
  2. Training - this is a great game, which should be terminated earlier than the child will get tired of it. Indeed, for the kid to get all the necessary skills and knowledge, he knew the world around him, it is not necessary to turn the learning process into a tedious occupation for him. All the same can be done in an easy game form, stopping the game at the first signs of fatigue in the baby.
  3. You do not need to check your child. It makes no sense to arrange examinations for your child - everything that is important and useful for him, he will undoubtedly learn.
  4. Interest in learning new is supported by novelty and speed. It is important not so much to give the child the necessary knowledge and skills, how many to show him that learning new is an exciting activity.

With his technique, Cecil Lupan breaks the established stereotype that the child needs constant care. In fact, the child, first of all, needs self-interest. Parents should realize that overprotecting their child, they interfere with its development, jamming creative impulses. In order to grow a versatile child, it is not necessary to devote all his spare time to teaching. To do this, simply be with the child "on the same wave," giving him what he currently needs most: an opportunity to relax, take a walk, play or learn something.

The beginning of a child's life by the method of Cecil Lupan

The first year of a baby's life is very significant not only for him, but also for his parents. During this period Lupan sets before them four main tasks:

1. To lay the child's positive awareness of himself and his family. To do this is not at all difficult - it is enough to give the child caress as often as possible, ironing, embracing, kissing and saying affectionate words. Do not be afraid to spoil the crumb, "accustom it to your hands" - all this is prejudice. The child must feel that he is loved and protected.

2. Various ways to stimulate all of his feelings:

3. Encourage the baby to develop motor activity in every possible way. This can be done with the help of gymnastics, various games, swimming.

4. To lay the foundation of the tongue. Do not hesitate to talk with the baby, pronounce your actions, read fairy tales to him. Let him not yet understand the meaning of what was said, but just so he gets used to the sound of his native speech, begins to accumulate vocabulary.

Among other methods of early development is worth noting the method of Montessori , Doman , Zheleznovov , Zaitsev .