Transfusion of blood with low hemoglobin

The composition of human blood can be described conditionally as follows: plasma (liquid part), leukocytes (white bodies responsible for immunity), red blood cells (red bodies carrying oxygen through the body), platelets, due to which the blood is folded in the wound.

Today we will talk about red blood cells. They include hemoglobin, which "transports" oxygen to all tissues and organs. If the level of erythrocytes or hemoglobin in the blood decreases, they talk about anemia or anemia. With mild forms of this condition, a special diet and iron or vitamin containing substances are prescribed. At a critically low hemoglobin, blood transfusion is the only way to save a patient.

Compatibility of blood groups for transfusion

In medicine, transfusion is called blood transfusion. The blood of the donor (healthy person) and the recipient (anemia patient) must coincide according to two main criteria:

Several decades ago it was believed that the blood of the first group with a negative Rh factor is suitable for all other people, but later the phenomenon of erythrocyte agglutination was discovered. It turned out that blood with the same group and Rh factor can be incompatible because of the so-called conflict. antigens. If you make a blood transfusion with anemia , the red blood cells stick together and the patient will die. To prevent this, more than one trial is performed before blood transfusion.

It is worth noting that blood is already used in its pure form, and depending on the indications for blood transfusion, transfusions of its components and preparations (plasma, proteins, etc.) are made. With anemia, the erythrocyte mass is shown - it will be further referred to as the blood.

Blood samples

So, there is no universal blood group for transfusion, therefore:

If everything is the same, a biological test is performed with blood transfusion. A patient with anemia is injected with 25 ml of erythrocytic pulmonary mass, wait 3 minutes. Repeat the same two more times with a three-minute interval. If after 75 ml of injected donor blood the patient feels normal, the mass is suitable. Further transfusion passes drip (40 - 60 drops per minute). The doctor must supervise this process. In the package with the donor erythrocyte mass, after completion of blood transfusion, approximately 15 ml should remain. Two days it is stored in the refrigerator: if after a blood transfusion there are complications, this will help to establish the cause.