Meckel's diverticulum

In prenatal development, for a full-fledged nutrition of the fetus, there is a yolk duct that is self-infected approximately at the 6th week of development. If this process is broken, part of the duct remains and forms a protrusion of the ileum - the diverticulum of Meckel. It rarely causes complications and, as a rule, does not require special therapy, if not inflamed.

Mekkelov diverticulum

The education in question is usually not symptomatic and occurs only in 2% of the world's population. With him you can live a lifetime without suspecting the presence of bulging intestine, but sometimes the diverticulum of Meckel provokes the following complications:

It is worth noting that with inflammation of the diverticulum of Meckel, the pathological process quickly spreads to other organs of the digestive system. The clinical picture often resembles the signs of acute appendicitis . If in addition there are diverticula of the small and large intestine, an intensive inflammatory process can be observed, which provokes intensive bleeding, penetration of the contents of the formations into the abdominal cavity.

Operation with Meckel's diverticulum

Usually, surgical intervention is prescribed only in case of emergency, for example, when the diverticulum leads to peritonitis, bleeding or intestinal obstruction. Accidentally found out sprouts are subject to removal in such situations:

A laparoscopic minimally invasive method is used to excise the neoplasm. It provides a fairly rapid recovery of the patient, minimizes scarring after surgery, does not affect neighboring healthy tissues and mucous membranes.

Diet with diverticula

After the removal of the process, it is desirable to adhere to a special diet that will allow the ileum to regenerate more quickly, prevent constipation and diarrhea.

The diet with Meckel's diverticulum involves the exclusion of the following products:

It is preferable to make a menu of such products:

It is important to consume a sufficient amount of pure water (non-carbonated), for every 10 kg of body weight - a minimum of 300 ml of liquid. On average, you need to drink about 6-8 glasses.