Cysts on the cervix - reasons

This female pathology, like the cervix cyst, is quite common, it affects about 10% of women in their reproductive years.

Such a cyst is formed from the tissues of the natal glands. At the healthy woman on a neck it is possible to see only white swellings. This is the pectoral glands that produce mucus, which protects the inner membranes. If the glands work incorrectly, the duct may close.

The cyst looks like a pouch full of mucus that has not escaped outside.

If the cyst on the cervix is ​​one, it is called an endometrioid. If there are a lot of them, they are called pith cysts .

Nabotovy cysts can appear due to the healing of the ectopy of the epithelium, during which there is a blockage of the excretory glandular ducts.

Endometrioid cyst has a characteristic bluish tint, there are bleeding zones, the size of which increases before the onset of menstruation.

Moving to a region that has been traumatized once, the endometrium causes the formation of such a cyst. In addition to the secret inside the endometrioid cyst, blood also accumulates.

Causes of cervical cyst

At present, the exact cause of the formation of brushes on the cervix is ​​not established. But physicians identify certain factors that can contribute to this process.

  1. Provoke the formation of cysts can various sexual infections, the causative agents of which lead to the development of the inflammatory process in the cervical glands and tissues. As a result, mucus is difficult to exit, and cysts are formed.
  2. The risk factors for cystic lesions on the cervix include pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, during which the cervix may be injured. As a result, the body starts active processes aimed at restoring injured tissues. And this can cause irregularities in the work of the glandular glands, leading to the obstruction of the ducts and the formation of cysts.
  3. In addition, the vulnerability of Nabot's glands increases during the menopause, because at this time the neck mucosa thinens. Becoming more sensitive to various kinds of irritations, the glands more actively produce mucus. It becomes larger and, not having time to go outside, it clogs the duct, which, in the final analysis, leads to the appearance of a cyst.
  4. Causes of development of cysts on the neck also include hormonal failures in the body, various diagnostic curettage, abortions.

Symptoms of cervical cyst

If a cyst is present on the cervix, a woman may not experience any particular symptoms. Cystic formation can be detected only by a doctor with gynecological examination or with colposcopy .

A woman can begin to feel discomfort if the cyst reaches a rather large size.

In this case, you may experience:

The cyst can be found during a routine examination by a gynecologist or during ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

If the cysts are not found, then they try to detect infectious diseases of the genital organs. When they are detected, a woman takes a swab from the vagina and performs an additional examination to exclude a new development of the cyst in the background of an infectious disease.

Treatment of cysts

To treat a cyst is not difficult. Many gynecologists are sure that the cyst on the cervix is ​​best removed, as sometimes a purulent infiltrate can accumulate inside it. Treatment consists in puncturing the capsule of the cyst and releasing it from the viscous mucus. Then a bed of cysts is treated with a special solution.