Life in harmony

What does every conscious person strive for? Of course, to life in harmony with others, and above all, with yourself. But how to achieve this, how to learn to live in harmony with yourself? First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that it is necessary to work for this, and the work is to be thoughtful and serious. But the result is worth it, right?

How to learn to live in harmony?

Here we say, live in harmony with yourself, and what do we mean by this, what do we want to achieve? Probably, the inner feeling that everything is going on as it should, as it should be. That calm feeling of self-confidence, which is the main component of success in both private life and work.

  1. So, how to order your inner world? Perhaps the following simple rules will help you.
  2. You want to be happy - know yourself. This rule was known in ancient times, so why not observe it now? After all, if you do not know anything about your desires, preferences and aspirations, then peace in the soul can not be achieved. So you can do everything that you do not like, that does not bring you closer to the goal. So we know ourselves, do not hesitate. Just be honest with yourself, this is the other you can lie about, that you dream of living in a hut near a small river. To yourself, confess that you would be more comfortable with a cozy apartment or a 3-storey house on the beach.
  3. And now look for a lesson that fits your desires and abilities, which will help to reflect your inner world. Learn to live "in accordance with your conscience," as the inner voice suggests. Just do not slide into the "holy" number, who do not know what they preach. Everyone has his own vision of the world, and one must live according to how you see it at this moment. Other people's ideals will lock you in a cage, deprive your beautiful essence of freedom.
  4. Life in harmony is impossible if the person is pessimistic. If we do not experience positive emotions, then we do not experience happiness either. Therefore, from this day on we learn positive thinking, all events in our life have two facets. You need to see both of them, but you need to learn to sincerely rejoice in the positive side. Any trouble can be perceived as a lesson, as a new opportunity. And it is worth doing, you do not need to waste time regretting it.
  5. When we talked about living in harmony, we mentioned our self-reliance. Therefore, urgently increase self-esteem. You should know that you can do a lot if you only want something seriously. And most importantly, you need to remember that you are really worthy of all that you dream about. Who, if not you deserve the right to happiness?
  6. By the way, about happiness. Many ladies under him mean love, and they are right, this feeling must necessarily live in the heart of a person. Just do not confuse love with addiction and habit, you do not need to maintain a relationship, if they do not bring you joy. And remember, love it is different, one romance list of its varieties does not end. So do not grieve if you are not yet a man with whom you will find happiness - love and care can be given to others.
  7. Remember that you can make mistakes and have the right to do so. No one is irreproachable, only the one who did nothing worthwhile for his life did not make a mistake. So do not waste precious time regretting errors, better look for ways to correct the oversight.
  8. Thinking about life in harmony, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking about the need for a person's spiritual growth. And this is really so, a spiritually developed person can see life in all its colors, find joy in everyday cares. Only do not need to become thoughtlessly in the ranks of followers of any "guru". There is no ready-made recipe, everyone has his own way and imitation, which will lead to nothing. No, special literature, rituals, traditions, this should all be, but only at the behest of the heart. Do not forget, we are all different, therefore someone will approach prayer and the Bible, and someone will yoga and contemplate a falling leaf from the birch.
  9. Less attention to the opinion of others - most of them do not care about your actions. And if they decide to condemn you, then is it worth paying attention to it? It is important that you feel your actions are right, feel the support of really close people. And the crowd should be angry and poke their fingers, what's the difference?