Weight Loss - Causes

Reducing weight and finding the desired harmony is the dream of almost every woman. But in some cases, a noticeable weight loss is alarming, because the causes of what is happening are related to the state of health.

Weight loss can be caused by:

Medical causes of weight loss

If the problem of a significant weight loss is obvious, then a comprehensive medical examination is necessary. Consider what diseases most often cause weight loss.


Weight loss in oncology is a common phenomenon. The development of malignant formations in the body is also signaled by such accompanying symptoms as increased fatigue, nausea, fever, anemia, and bleeding. With leukemia (blood cancer), along with these signs, pain in the abdomen and bones, bleeding gums, skin lesions, tachycardia and an enlarged spleen.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A noticeable decrease in body weight is characteristic of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory phenomena cause changes in the processes of absorption and digestion of food, metabolism. Weight loss with gastritis , gastric ulcer or upper intestine and other diseases of the digestive system is also explained by the fact that the patient himself begins to limit the consumption of food due to pain and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. Weight loss in pancreatitis is due to the fact that the consumed substances are improperly digested and displayed unchanged.

Diseases of the endocrine system

The most diverse disorders of secretory gland function cause weight loss in women, men and even children. Determine the type of endocrine disease can be and by other characteristic features, for example:


Infectious disease of the lungs is accompanied along with weight loss:

Nervous disorders

Sharp weight loss, especially in young women, is observed with anorexia nervosa. Patients may lose up to 50% of the original weight. In this case, the exterior is undergoing significant changes and irreparable damage to the body is done. The following are noted:

To weight loss leads to severe depression. Loss of interest in life in patients is often accompanied by physiological manifestations:

Weight changes can also occur due to other diseases: