Dioxydin for inhalations

Bacterial respiratory infections necessarily require the use of antibiotics . A very effective therapy is Dioxydin for inhalations, because it shows activity against most microorganisms, including those resistant to the effects of other similar drugs.

Dioxydin for inhalation - instructions for use

This drug refers to antimicrobial medicines that affect aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, rods, vulgar proteas. The main component of Dioxydin is quinoxaline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The given preparation is issued in various forms (ointment, ampoules, aerosol), it is recommended to buy a solution of concentration of 0,5% or 1% as the nebulizer filler.

It should be noted that Dioxydinum is a very potent agent that affects the functions of the kidneys, adrenals and affects the development of cells. Because of its mutagenic properties, the drug is used exclusively in severe forms of pathology, is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

Side effects often manifest in the form of headache, digestive disorders and nausea.

Dioxydin in ampoules for inhalations - indications

By means of this antibiotic, successful treatment of such respiratory tract diseases is carried out:

Usually, Dioxydin is prescribed for long-term disease, after proven inefficiency of other drugs or development of bacterial resistance to weaker antimicrobial agents.

How to dilute Dioxydin for inhalation?

To prepare a mixture for a nebulizer, you need to buy ampoules with the amount of active ingredient (quinoxaline) 0.5% or 1%, as well as saline as the base.

Inhalation with dioxidine - dosage:

It is important to remember that compliance with dosage must be controlled in order to avoid supersaturation of blood and lymph by antibiotic, the occurrence of toxic poisonings, kidney damage and side effects.

Inhalations with Dioxydin for colds

For the treatment of sinusitis , sinusitis, frontal or rhinitis, the described preparation is recommended in rare and severe cases. In such situations, it is advisable to first rinse the sinuses and nasal passages with a solution of furatsilina, and only then do inhalation.

In addition, the amount of the mixture used should be reduced to 2-2.5 ml per session. Repeat the procedure can be twice a day, the last time - before bed.

How do I do inhalation with Dioxydin?

The therapeutic measure should be carried out only on the recommendation of the attending physician and under his supervision. If you have your own nebulizer, you can perform procedures at home with strict dosage control.

The temperature of the prepared Dioxydin solution should be low (it is impossible to preheat the mixture), but also at least 20 degrees. To make the session more comfortable, you can briefly place saline in hot water so that it can take up room temperature and then add an antibiotic.