Early varieties of tomato

Tomatoes at all times were among the most revered vegetables on our table. They grow them both in the open ground, and in greenhouses, for salads or conservation. The earliest varieties of tomatoes always aroused great interest among gardeners, because you want to pamper the family with fresh vegetables early.

Early varieties of tomatoes: the rules of growing

Early-ripening varieties of tomatoes are perfect for growing in cold regions or where there is a short cold summer period. You can grow without seedlings, sowing directly into the open ground. Sow should be in the very first days of May. It is necessary to do this under good shelter and immediately in place on the insulated soil.

As a rule, tomatoes of similar varieties do not differ in abundant harvest. And the fruits rarely reach a weight of more than 150 g. Remember that of hybrids (not varieties) it is permissible to use only specially prepared and purchased seeds in the store. The fact is that you can collect the seeds, but nobody can guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities. Often seeds are underdeveloped and they can not grow a quality crop.

The earliest varieties of tomato

Early varieties of tomatoes are intended for planting seedlings in the soil for 20 days earlier than usual. For successful cultivation with an abundant harvest, you should properly prepare the soil from autumn and pick up plant varieties. Consider what tomatoes can be planted in early spring:

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Among the tomatoes for greenhouses, the F1 seed series has proved very successful. To date, a lot of varieties and hybrids, designed specifically for greenhouses with high yields and very early maturation periods, have been introduced. Consider the most popular among them.

  1. Hurricane F1. Refers to early-matched hybrids. The fruits are rounded, smooth and uniformly colored.
  2. Typhoon F1. Early ripening hybrid, in which fruiting begins already on the 90th day after germination. The fruits are round, have a uniform color.
  3. Friend F1. A fairly popular hybrid, since it is distinguished by exceptionally high fruit bearing. Fruits of bright red color, medium size, maturing evenly and amicably.
  4. Semko-Sinbad F1. By right is considered one of the promising and promising hybrids. Already on the 90th day there are fruits that are ripe painted in a bright red hue. From the bush, you can collect up to 10 kg of tomatoes.
  5. Tornado F1. This hybrid differs in that it is intended for growing not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground. The fruits have a uniform bright red color, of medium size.
  6. Verlioq F1. It is characterized by a uniform and early harvest. The fruits are large enough, smooth with a uniformly bright color.