Inflammation of the knee joint - symptoms and treatment

There is an opinion that if symptoms appear and treatment of inflammation of the knee joint is required, only people of middle and old age can. Of course, representatives of these age categories really have to suffer more often. But the youth of the problem is not protected. And recently, young people have become more likely to complain about unpleasant feelings in the knee area.

Causes and Symptoms of Knee Inflammation

The knee joint has a colossal load. Therefore, inflammatory processes here have long ceased to be considered a rarity. In addition to excessive physical exertion, the following factors may provoke inflammation in the knee:

As practice shows, women suffer from inflammatory processes much more often than representatives of the stronger sex.

Treatment of inflammation of the knee joint with medicines or folk remedies should begin when the first symptoms appear. Most often the problem declares itself pains. At first, discomfort can be hardly noticeable and pass even after a short rest. But over time, soreness becomes permanent. In some cases, it even immobilizes.

Together with pain, most patients have other symptoms:

Individual patients complain of the sensation of a foreign body in the knee.

Medications for the treatment of knee inflammation

Treatment of inflammation is a long process. To recover as soon as possible, it is recommended to take complex therapy. The latter involves the use and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors, creams and ointments for topical use, and means for preparing compresses.

Most often for the treatment of inflammation of the knee joint are prescribed such drugs:

It is very useful for inflammation of the knee joint physiotherapy. Patients often prescribe massages, manual therapy sessions and other procedures.

For the time of recovery, it is advisable not to take hot baths. It will be necessary to protect yourself from heavy physical exertion.

Treatment of knee inflammation in the home by folk remedies

To help to traditional treatment will come and folk methods:

  1. Quickly and effectively anesthetize can compress with lemon juice.
  2. Favorable to the health of the joints is the decoction of elderberry. Take it should be a glass three times a day.
  3. Treatment of garlic is not for everyone. But it is very effective. Freshly squeezed garlic juice folk medicine uses for the preparation of compresses.
  4. Well respond patients with inflammation of the joints on the tincture of sweet clover on vodka. Take it you need a 12-day course on a tablespoon before bedtime.
  5. Simple, affordable, but effective treatment - compresses from potatoes. To prepare them, the root must be cleaned and passed through a meat grinder, and then a little warmed up. It is most convenient to put the obtained gruel into a tissue pouch and to attach it to the diseased knee with an oilcloth for the night.