Crafts from matches with own hands

"Matches are not a toy for children!" - millions of people know this phrase since childhood. Of course, matches are not classified as absolutely safe items that are suitable for children's games, but at the same time, matches are a great object for a variety of developmental activities with children. One of the most interesting and at the same time simple classes are small crafts from matches. In this article, we will consider how to make a hand-crafted match from our own hands and get acquainted with several variants of children's crafts from matches, both light and slightly more complex. With time, training and developing the skill of working with matches, you can create more complex objects, up to true masterpieces such as large-scale copies of world-famous cathedrals, architectural monuments, etc.

Crafts from matches: wheel

To create a wheel from matches, you need a template. It is a circle divided into 14 equal sectors. The sheet-template is fixed on the cardboard sheet, at the junction of the sectors there are 14 matches (they are stuck in the hole punched in the cardboard sheet). It is important to make sure that the matches are well fixed, not unsteady and do not fall out. All supporting matches must be smooth and unbroken - the quality and appearance of the finished product depends on their quality and strength. The heads 14 of the supporting matches must be cut off. Thus, we get a basic assembly model with supporting matches.

Then, in the gap between the matches in the base model, load bearing matches are embedded (the heads of the matches should be slightly raised). If you did everything right, the last two matches will be held under the first match. When the first row is ready, compact the bearing matches, forming a uniform ring. Acting exactly the same, fold four more, alternately leveling and sealing each of them. As a result, you should get five identical rows of matching match rings. The most important when working with matches in general, and at this stage in particular - the gradualness and thoroughness. Enough slightest negligence, and the whole design can be skewed, and even fall apart.

When all five supporting rings are ready, flip the cardboard sheet and squeeze out all the supporting matches in turn. You need to do this carefully, little by little, so as not to break the frame of the wheel.

In this way, you squeeze out all the supporting matches and the finished product from the cardboard base. The ring of matches is ready.

Similarly, you can make a wider or narrower ring - you just need to select the supporting matches of the appropriate length.

Crafts: bird house of matches

To create a house of matches you will need not only time, the desire to create and matches with cut heads, but also glue. Eight identical in length matches, fold together in the form of a rectangular wall and glue together with two transverse sticks (from a match cut in half) - this will be the back of the house.

The front wall is done exactly the same way, but in two middle matches it is necessary to cut out a little, so that we get a leaf - the entrance hole of the house.

To make the side walls, you need to glue together five matches (in the same way, using two cross bars). A feature of the side walls is that the upper cross member is glued at the very top, and the lower one - deviating from the edge by about 2 mm (approximately by the thickness of one match).

After all the walls are ready, check them for their size and glue them by gluing the sides of the walls with glue.

Next, on the side of the two pins, you need to make small cuts at an angle (to get the guides for the roof), and glue these rods on the side walls along the level of the top cut.

For the bottom take matches of the appropriate size (pre-glue them together is not necessary). On the bottom of the rod are adjacent to the lower lateral cross bars.

After the guiding roofs have dried up, you can gradually glue the top with matches, forming a beveled roof.

On the back wall from below, glue a cross match for attaching the cuttings, and on the front wall just below the hole - a short piece of a match or toothpick.

It remains only to slightly polish all surfaces, and the house is ready.

With the help of matches and glue, you can make a lot of interesting crafts: a match cart or tea cup and saucer, a cube, an application on paper or cloth, and if you have several kinds of matches with different color of sulfur heads, you can try to make multi-colored hand-made articles.

Matches are an excellent material for developing games, but remember that matches are potentially dangerous for children, so never leave a crumb alone with them - all manipulations with matches should take place only under the supervision of adults.