What does a witch look like?

Many do not even suspect that next to him is a witch who can use his powers to harm others. To protect yourself from contact with a dangerous person, you need to know what a real witch looks like. Identify a woman with supernatural forces can be in many ways, and we'll talk about this.

How does the modern witch look?

Despite the screen image, witches look attractive, and you can rarely really understand what it's like. There are other details that you should pay attention to.

How does a witch in our time look like:

  1. First of all, it is possible to recognize a witch by external signs. Sometimes it's enough just to look into the eyes, as women with magical powers have a tenacious and piercing look, from which you want to escape. Eyes of witches in most cases of green or gray-green shades.
  2. In the image, you can certainly notice some male quality, for example, high growth, rough voice, etc.
  3. Another important feature is thick and long hair. The thing is that it is in the hair that there is magical power and if you lose them, then you can squander all your abilities.
  4. In the clothes of the witch, they prefer dark colors.
  5. Each witch has a certain mark, for example, a mole or other spot, which is called the Devil's mark.

How to learn a witch by behavior?

Finding out what the witch looks like, it's worth talking about some behavioral moments that indicate the presence of magical powers. Women with magical powers have powerful sexual energy, so it is always in the focus of attention of men. Despite this, usually witches live alone . Often you can see that the witch is talking to herself. It is also worth noting that the witch practically does not change with age.