Favorable time for conception

Today, most couples approach the birth of a child very responsibly. When planning a pregnancy, future parents take necessary tests, try to abandon bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. However, disappointment is inevitable, if you do not know all the subtleties and characteristics of female and male physiology, and in particular, when it is possible to conceive a child.

What is the best time to conceive a child?

His apogee's chance to conceive a baby reaches on the day of ovulation . This is a well-known fact, which causes many unplanned and accidental pregnancies. After all, a woman can become pregnant practically on any day of the cycle, even immediately before the menstrual period. Late ovulation, high viability of spermatozoa and other unforeseen circumstances often lead to the most unexpected consequences. It's the case, when it is possible and necessary to conceive a child, and attempts do not lead to the desired result. In this case, you need to consider all the factors that can contribute to the onset of pregnancy:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the time favorable for conception. With a regular menstrual cycle at 28 days, the egg yield is 14-15 days from the day of the onset of the last menstruation. These days the probability of pregnancy is 40%. Two days before and two days after the chances are still high, about 30-35%. You can determine ovulation using the basal temperature chart, your own feelings, special tests, tests, instruments or ultrasound.
  2. During pregnancy planning, the ideal rhythm of sexual intercourse is considered once every two days. To sperm there was enough time to ripen.
  3. An important role is played by the posture during sex. Optimum position is considered with the deepest penetration and minimal loss of seminal fluid.
  4. Promote the conception of pre-petting and simultaneous orgasm.
  5. It should not be forgotten that men also have a fertile time. As a rule, this period falls on the end of autumn and the beginning of spring.
  6. It goes without saying that by the time of conception, the spouses must be absolutely healthy, give up alcohol and other bad habits.

However, even the fulfillment of all necessary conditions does not guarantee that the pregnancy will come from the first attempt. Sometimes, in order to become pregnant, it is better for couples to forget about favorable days and postures, schedules and analyzes. You just need to relax and enjoy life, and then the "long-awaited stork" will not slow to visit your house.