Sensation and perception

Psychology deals with the study of various mental phenomena, states and processes. With the birth, each of us will know the world at all its levels with the help of the senses. We inhale, examine, touch, taste, understand, and so on. Psychologists subdivide these processes into perception and sensation.

Sensation and perception in psychology

Sensation is the first stage of information processing. There are five main types of sensations: smell, hearing, taste, touch and sight. Without them, conscious life is simply impossible. The subject would simply plunge into a drowsy state. For example, the sensation allows you to recognize a warm object or a cold, bright or dull, heavy or light, etc. All our sensations are momentary. We actively react to what is happening around, as a result of which our eye pupils move, the vessels contract and the muscles tense. This sensory experience allows you to gain knowledge about the world around you.

What is the difference between sensation and perception?

Perception completes the picture and forms a holistic image. It allows you to get information about objects and phenomena in general, i.e. Processes the sum of sensations and forms the result. At the same time, perception includes information based on past experience and even perceptions. It involves thinking, attention, memory, motor sphere, emotions , personality characteristics. For example, if we hold perfume in our hand, look at the package and breathe in the fragrance, the whole impression will be called perception. In this case, such sensations as vision, sense of smell and touch will be involved.

Interrelation of sensation and perception

As a result of the sensation, a sensation is generated, for example, brightness, sweetness or loudness. Perception forms in our head a complete image that consists of puzzles of sensations. In order to learn to perceive information well, one must be able to recognize, synthesize and analyze the signs of a material object. Thus, individual perceived details are combined in one whole, which is the source of our experience. The disturbance of sensations and perceptions lies in the threshold of sensitivity. It can be lowered or elevated in relation to the norm. Neuropathologists deal with such phenomena.

Every living being is endowed with the ability to sense from birth. But perception is possessed only by some animals and people. The ability to perceive improves with the passage of time. This helps us to better understand certain processes, so it is important to work on your development and improve your perception.