Black Agate Stone - Magic Properties

The energy potential of black agate makes it possible to use it for magical and medicinal purposes. The strength of the mineral mankind has learned for a long time. In different parts of the world people used black agate during rituals, and also as a charm and amulet. A bowl of this mineral was used by magicians to perform rituals. It is best to wear products from it on Saturdays, when the force of action is at the maximum level.

Magic properties of black agate stone

The stone acts on a person soothing, so when feeling negative or aggressive, it is recommended to look at it for some time. The mineral has the ability to absorb negative energy and protect the person it is. Indian yogis are sure that black agate promotes longevity. Inhabitants of India believe that amulets with this stone increase all good qualities and contribute to the softening of character. In Rome, the magic of black agate was used to protect plants and crops from spoilage, frost, etc. Since ancient times, people believed that a black stone helps to open in man channels of clairvoyance and correctly perceive the world around.

The magical properties of black agate are expressed in the fact that the stone is alive. He has the ability to exchange information with his owner. For example, on a calm person, the mineral will shine and show patterns that were not previously on it. If the owner of the jewelry with black agate has some problems and negative, then the stone becomes dull and matte. All the fault is negative energy, absorbed by the mineral. To charge the agate with positive energy, you can put it overnight in a light solution of salt or soda.

Black agate is recommended for wearing heads, teachers and other mentors. The stone has the ability to guide people with leadership abilities. Mineral black color is considered to be a masculine talisman. It is also worth mentioning that agate is a stone of love and helps to improve relations between partners, to keep fidelity and warm relations.

The healing properties of black agate

The stone helps to get rid of the headache caused by the magnetic storm, and it also makes it possible to forget about rheumatism. Mineral promotes faster healing of wounds and various bruises. Favorably affects the stone on the state of the nervous system, which allows you to get rid of insomnia, stress and even depression. In order to reduce pain or to remove inflammation, it is recommended to attach the stone to the problem site. For men, a mineral is useful because it increases the potency. You can use black agate for weight loss, so water, infused on the mineral, helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.

When treating dental diseases, it is recommended to wear agate as earrings. If there are problems with the voice, then decorations for the neck, for example, beads or pendant. People with joint diseases will get a ring with black agate, and wear it on an anonymous finger.

Black agate for zodiac signs

The best mineral is suitable for people born under the sign of Taurus, Cancer and Gemini. First he will help to become more calm and complaisant. For the Taurus, a mineral can become an excellent talisman for attracting money, and it will also stimulate to move forward towards the goal . For Cancers, a mascot or an agate of black color will help to believe in oneself and protect against external stimuli. People who are born under the sign of Gemini, it is recommended to use stone as a sedative. With its help you can become more permanent in your decisions and actions.