Grushanka - medicinal properties and contraindications

Grushank round-leaved - a medicinal plant of the family. The meadow lily of the valley, the ocular eyes, the live grass, the forty-herb, also called the pear-tree, is widespread in the forests of the temperate and southern latitudes, and at the time of flowering it resembles a lily of the valley. In wintergreen mass of medicinal properties and contraindications, which gives grounds to use it for the treatment of a variety of ailments.

Composition and medicinal properties of wintergreen

The plant is very rich in useful substances, among which there are vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, glycosides, phenols, resins, arbutin, etc. The plant with round leaves has a good antiseptic effect, which makes it possible to use it for wound healing and cuts on the skin, including purulent in the form of a compress of leaves. And anti-inflammatory properties are used in radiculitis therapy, joint diseases, rheumatism, insect bites. It is shown as an auxiliary therapy for diseases of the oral cavity and throat in the form of broths and infusions for rinsing.

There is information that the living grass removes nitrogen salts from the body, which can be appreciated by those suffering from gout. Meadow lily of the valley facilitates the state of health in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers, gastritis and constipation, as well as tuberculosis, migraine, epilepsy, other disorders of the central nervous system, etc. But the most widespread therapeutic properties of wintergreen were obtained in gynecology. It is used in the therapy of the following diseases:

Ways of preparation and application of sorocaedal grass in gynecology

The healing properties of wintergreen in gynecology, as well as its contraindications are widely used for preparing various infusions, broths, etc. Here are the most popular recipes:

  1. In any inflammation of the genitourinary sphere it is recommended to do douching with such infusion: 2 tsp. herbs brew freshly boiled water in the amount of 1 cup, let it brew for a couple of hours, filtered, diluted with warm water to 1 liter and used as directed twice a day.
  2. The healing properties of wintergreen for women who dream of becoming a mother are concentrated in such a drug: 1 tbsp. l. herbs brew a glass of freshly boiled water and put the tank in a water bath for half an hour. Cool, pass through the filter and add water to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup before meals three times during the entire waking period. The course of treatment can last up to 6 months.
  3. For the same purposes, the reception of an alcoholic tincture of a meadow lily of the valley is shown: 40 g of crushed leaves are poured into 250 ml of vodka. Covered with a dense lid, the container is removed to a dark place for three weeks, during which it is periodically shaken. At the end of this time, pass through the filter and drink half a teaspoon three times throughout the entire waking period before eating, diluting the product in water. The course of treatment is 3-6 months.


Grushanka, like any medicinal herb, has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. First of all, her intake is contraindicated to hypotension, since it is capable of lowering blood pressure. It is not necessary to take funds on its basis to persons with varicose veins , poor blood coagulability, increased viscosity and thrombophlebitis. Pregnant and lactating women also should not be treated with it.