Mental properties

Each personality has its own psychic properties, which are understood as permanent phenomena of the mental plane, which have a significant effect on the vital activity of the individual. In addition, thanks to such properties, you can safely give a socio-psychological assessment of the individual.

The main characteristic of mental properties

The uniqueness of the character of each person is formed throughout the life course as a result of experience, relationship with the surrounding world.

Mental properties of a man have a considerable influence on his and material and spiritual needs. In addition, the ability to form goals depends on the degree of their development.

Classification of mental properties

Their structure includes:

  1. Directivity is a rather complex property that includes the needs of a person, his goals, motives, which, in turn, determine the nature of his employment, life activity. It is the inner motives of the individual that make up the bulk of it. They demonstrate to what the personality seeks, for what purpose the actions are performed. In addition, she personifies all personal abilities, directing thereby the activity of a person in a certain direction. Directivity as one of the types of mental properties, is divided into motives, needs and goals.
  2. Motive . The very word in Latin translates as "move." This is the motivation that manifests within a person. Its main task is to push the person to perform a certain action. The expected result of this motivation is the achievement of the goal. If we talk about the specifics of each motive, then it is determined by the conditions of life. When social conditions change, changes take place in the development of a certain number of motives. The effectiveness of the influence of motives on the actions of a person depends on their direction and content. It should be noted that they can be either simple (ordinary desires) or complex (ideals).
  3. The need, in other words, can be called human need in the spiritual or the material. It is capable of inducing the individual to act. By its classification it happens: spiritual (striving for knowledge, communication skills), material (clothing, interior items, food, etc.). If the needs of animals are located at the level of instincts , then human changes throughout the course of life.
  4. Goals . They are heavily influenced by material and spiritual needs. Depending on the duration of their existence, they are: promising (designed for the coming weeks, months), vital, operational (in the shortest possible time), long-term (one year or more). In adult life, it is the vital goal that determines the effectiveness of the exercise of all others.
  5. Temperament . There are 4 types of it: sanguine (such people are characterized by unprecedented activity, rapid reaction, vigor, interest in all the unknown, significant), choleric (frequent mood changes, emotional outbursts, instant decision making), phlegmatic (sluggish individuals with inexpressive gestures and facial expressions, easily coping with complex routine work), melancholic (lightly personalities, mood affects their activity, are prone to empathy),
  6. Character includes individual features of a person that are formed depending on the type of nervous system, direction, emotional intelligence, mind.

Mental states and mental properties

Thanks to mental states, a person interacts with the surrounding world at a certain specific moment. They are temporary (now you are angry, having fun in a couple of hours), diverse in nature, have either a positive or negative impact on your work activity.