How to lower the pressure?

Today, the problem of hypertension is familiar not only to our mothers and grandmothers. Some time ago, hypertension was noticeably "younger", even at the age of 30 many people ran to the doctor for advice, how to lower blood pressure. To determine how to lower the pressure in each case, you need to know the cause of the disease.

Arterial hypertension occurs in two cases: when the amount of blood pumped by the heart increases, or there is resistance when the blood moves. In order to pump blood through the narrowed vessels, the heart has to work with overload.

Very often hypertension occurs against the background of bad habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Excess weight and constant psychological stress also contribute to increasing blood pressure. The cause of the disease can be smoking or eating foods that increase cholesterol in the blood.

How quickly to lower arterial pressure?

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find a lot of drugs to lower the pressure for every taste and purse. But not everyone wants to take a handful of tablets and be completely dependent on the magic pill. It's no secret that self-confidence, massage or taking medicinal broths can help you just as well as pharmacy drugs. But no matter how you decide to lower the pressure, always consult a doctor before choosing a treatment option.

These methods will help to remove only the symptom, but not overcome the problem.