What is the prelude to sex - what do men and women like in the prelude?

Sexual relations between a man and a woman - a pledge of long-term preservation of love feelings. But mutual understanding in bed is not always possible to achieve: often the cause of disagreement is the wrong prelude or lack thereof.

What is the prelude to sex?

Prelude - a kind of sexual caresses, without which no one respects each other. This stage of erotic games shows how partners are ready to hear the wishes of the second half and carry them out. Prelude in sex is:

  1. Preparation for maximum pleasure. It depends on it, whether the woman will reach orgasm or will remain unsatisfied.
  2. A gesture of attention to a woman proving the truth of a man's intentions. An occasional lover is easier to pretend that he does not know what a prelude is. For him, this is a way to save time and prevent the onset of falling in love.
  3. Increased confidence. Sensing a display of sensitivity to her emotions, the girl begins to trust the second half more.

What is the prelude for?

All people differ in their level of temperament, so couples regularly face the problem of underestimation of the partner's capabilities. Comparison with the former only exacerbates the situation: the notion that such a prelude is of itself can be quite the opposite for women of different ages and types of character . Regardless of these differences, preparatory caresses are necessary for each of them for a number of reasons:

  1. They make a girl feel loved.
  2. Prelude before sex is the first phase of the cycle of orgasm. If it is missing, then its achievement seems unlikely.
  3. Erotic games support passion in a relationship. Such a property is inherent in man by nature: most mammals will not be admitted to the female if they do not perform a marriage dance of obeisances and offerings.
  4. Forming the correct perception of sex. Prelude before being close to a woman is no less useful than for a man. She teaches us not to overshadow the desire in the desire to quickly reach the peak of pleasure.

What do men like in prelude?

Men and women have different expectations from foreplay. A representative of the stronger sex quickly lights up, so he does not need a long adjustment for the sexual wave. If the partner respects the woman's desires, he prepares for the fact that it can be a long one. She also needs to know what men like in prelude to know how to make her enjoyable for both. Prepare for sex like him, if it includes:

  1. Frank hints of sex . Men want to see that the girl wants a love game and she hints at him. SMS message with candid correspondence, video striptease during a working break or other ways to convey a playful message raise the level of testosterone from a partner.
  2. The game is undressed . After a working day a girl can cause interest in the most tired man, if he starts to undress with him as if spontaneously. Nobody can stand before such a picture.
  3. Masturbation . Most men would like to see at least once how his beloved caresses himself. Excessive modesty here is inappropriate: he wants to gain experience in such a frank and realistic lesson for two.

What do women like in foreplay?

While men go to pickup courses and exchange sexual experiences with friends, women know exactly what prelude in bed they need. The libido of girls is so arranged that it excites them:

  1. Innocent flirting . Some of them require no obvious claims from the partner and romantic compliments.
  2. Dirty words . Mat in bed is not licentiousness, but a way to part with prejudice. Additional bonus: swearing during sex helps to relieve stress.
  3. Male domination . A modern emancipated girl also sometimes wants to feel herself in absolute dependence on a man.

Prelude in bed - options

Compliments and hugs quickly get bored, so ideas for a prelude sooner or later arise in the head of one of the partners. Do not be ashamed to share them with your loved one. As a first step to a diverse sexual life, these types of pre-game are suitable: