Grease for anal sex

Intimate relationships should always develop. Each of the partners, albeit deep down, but wants to try something new in bed. If we are talking about anal sex , then for such cases, you should choose a lubricant. Option: "I'll buy the first thing I'll find in the pharmacy" is not an excellent solution. This question should be approached with full responsibility and seriousness, because nobody wants after a wrong copulation to be at the proctologist.

What are the advantages of anal sex with lubrication?

First of all, it will not be superfluous to note that the rectum does not emit grease, unlike the vagina. And this suggests that during the introduction of the penis into the anus, not only can a woman experience pain, dryness, but a man can damage a bridle on the genitals.

Some couples use their own saliva as a lubricant during anal sex. Doctors recommend not to be stingy and get a lubricant designed specifically for this type of sexual intercourse.

So, none of the partners will feel pain and fear that soon unpleasant feelings will appear. In addition, the probability of cracks in the rectum and other troubles decreases.

The best intimate lubricant for anal sex

All lubricants can be combined in three types:

Before proceeding to a detailed description of all possible lubricants for anal sex, it is worth noting that in no case is it recommended to be used as a lubricant. This list includes all kinds of shampoos, shower gels, creams. The chemicals in their composition can not only cause unpleasant sensations, but also harm (for example, there will be irritation of the mucous membrane). Also, do not use petroleum jelly. If sex with a condom, then it will destroy the latex. And with prolonged sexual intercourse, very unpleasant sensations can appear, capable for a long time to kill any desire to do anal sex.

It is also important to mention that the lubricants intended for vaginal pleasure quickly dry up, therefore, they are not suitable for anal pleasures.

Now we can proceed to a long analysis of the types of lubricants that differ in composition:

  1. Silicone grease for sex . It is universal. Not only does this lubricant dry very slowly, allowing partners to enjoy each other, so they can not destroy latex. However, after an intimate relationship, trying to wash him off the body from the first time is unlikely to succeed. It's a silicone. In addition, if in sex games sexual toys are involved in the fight, then, alas, such a lubrication will only harm them. After all, most of the quality, bringing unthinkable pleasure, vibrators made of silicone. But the plus is that this warning does not apply to toys made of latex.
  2. An analgesic lubricant for anal sex . The composition of this lubricant is lidocaine. In no case is it necessary to use it for vaginal intercourse. So, this product has a freezing effect. Especially for the benefit of it will go to beginners. However, during its application it is important to watch that the substance does not get on the male's sexual organ or tongue.
  3. Grease with flavor . Such lubricants will bring variety to the relationship, add a little romance, excite and help play out the sexual appetite.
  4. Gel-lubricant for anal sex . It has not only a moisturizing effect, but also a disinfectant. Suitable for couples who do not use a condom. True, many proctologist doctors still do not approve of such an analogue.