What should a child be able to do in 10 months?

Each month, parents note how their karapuz is changing, because the kid constantly learns new skills, gets to know the surrounding world. By 10 months, the crumb is already very different from the newborn. Mom sees all these changes and worries about her child's development.

There are certain norms, but it is worthwhile to understand that they are very average, and each carapace is distinguished by its individuality. But still it is worth to learn what the child should be able to do in 10 months. This will help young parents understand the baby better.

Physical development

Mommies closely monitor the weight of the frogs and some note with concern that to this age the crumb has slowed down the set of mass. But if the behavior of the baby, as well as his health did not deteriorate, then there is no reason for excitement. By this time, babies begin to add weight more slowly, and it's perfectly normal if they crush up to 200 grams a month, even if the figure was significantly higher before. After all, children are already quite mobile, active. This explains the small increase.

Here is a list of what a child should be able to do in 10 months, regardless of whether it is a girl or a boy:

Many babies already try to walk by themselves. Close should take care of a safe space. Mom must constantly monitor the baby, hold it under the armpits while trying to take steps. Karapuzu is particularly interested in various obstacles, he will gladly overcome them.

By the age of 10 months, children already have a good grasp of their brushes, they easily grab the necessary object and do not act so clumsily as before. If you turn on the music, then the kids begin to actively move, dancing.

Mental development

The kid 10 months surprises the family with how he can show his emotions and mood. Karapuz try to imitate the adults, listen to their speech, try to reproduce it. Kroha already knows a number of names of objects from household use and at the request of mummy can show any of them.

Kids are willingly interested in other children, like to laugh. Parents may notice that children are trying to break a thing or a toy. It is not necessary to scold the little creature, because he does it out of simple curiosity. It's just for kids to get acquainted with a new design for themselves.

Moms see that they are more relaxed than the latter. But there is still distrust to outsiders, the child needs time to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings or people.

This time is remarkable because the baby develops associative thinking. He begins to grasp the connections between actions.

A lot of unrest in the parents is the development of the speech of the baby. Every mom wants a crumb before he said the first words. Therefore, the question of what the child should say in 10 months under normal development is so urgent.

At this stage, the baby only repeats paired syllables. If you observe the baby, you can see that the baby uses them when expressing different emotions. Children can already use certain syllables to indicate an object.

It is important to talk with the child, discuss with him any actions and events, because the more a child hears an adult speech, the faster he will speak himself.

If the mother worries about the deviations in the development of the child, then she should ask a specialist. He will conduct a survey and draw his conclusions. If even deviations are found, it is better to identify them as early as possible. And it is possible that the doctor will mark the normal development of the baby and reassure Mom.